SSM1: The First Summer School on Medicines - Registrations

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Direcção da ABIC
Direcção da ABIC
Mensagens: 17
Registado: quarta abr 04, 2007 7:23 pm
University/ Institute: IT/IST
Localização: Lisboa

SSM1: The First Summer School on Medicines - Registrations

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We have great pleasure to inform you about the opening of the registrations for
the SSM1, the first Summer School on Medicines, that will take place in
Barcelona, 7-18 September, 2009.

Organized by the Parc Científic de Barcelona (Spain) and by
Toulouse-Campus-Cancer (France),
this unique 60 hrs course, proposed for only € 600 (lunches included), is
structured to cover the whole process that leads from ideas and projects to
drugs reaching the market, including visits to research centres and
pharmaceutical companies of Barcelona and Toulouse, two of the key capitals in
Medicine development in South Europe.

We invite you to visit our web site:

For any requirement, don’t hesitate to contact us at

For the Organizing Committee,

Anne-Laure FIZE
Phone: +34 93 567 77 96
