Vacancy for a researcher on EU project (20 months)

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cientista regular
cientista regular
Mensagens: 96
Registado: terça nov 06, 2007 4:24 pm
University/ Institute: Universidade Utrecht
Localização: The Netherlands

Vacancy for a researcher on EU project (20 months)

Mensagem por vera.ff »

In October 2009, a EU project has started titled: ENGENDER: Inventory of good practices in Europe for promoting gender equality in health. The project is funded by DG Sanco, the directorate for Health and Consumer Issues of the EU and will last for two years. The project is coordinated by the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm Sweden, and consists of 9 associated partners, among which Maastricht University. There is a wider group of collaborating partners representing more countries, Public Health Institutes and NGOs over Europe.

The project researcher will be the main responsible for compiling the database of those good practices upon which policy briefs will be based as final deliverables of the project. We are looking for a candidate with good communication and networking skills, fluent in Dutch and English, with a sound understanding of gender and health issues and a background in (public) health research, health policy and management or anthropology/sociology with a specialization in gender & public health.

The tasks will be conducted during the project’s lifetime and an appointment of about 20 months is foreseen starting March or April 2010 (fte’s can be discussed).The researcher will be based at the Department of Health, Ethics & Society (HES) of the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences of Maastricht University(see below)

For contact: email your interest (including a CV) to Ineke Klinge, associate professor of Gender Medicine,

Department of HES:

We are...

* interdisciplinary department within the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences and the Caphri School for Public Health and Primary Care.

..a group of scholars studying issues in health care from the disciplines of ethics, philosophy, sociology, law, gender research, history and anthropology

..teaching on bachelor’s and master’s degrees for doctors, health care administrators, lawyers and academics, and supervising research theses

..funded from a number of sources, including the European Commission.

Maastricht University (UM), the most international university in the Netherlands, stands out for its innovative approach to learning and international outlook. With 13,100 students and 3,500 staff, UM offers a wide choice of academic programmes, all of which are designed to bring out the best in its students.

Researchers at UM work in multidisciplinary teams and in close cooperation with international institutes, business and industry. Our high-quality researchers have attracted international attention by taking the lead in several large European research projects. However, we’re not stopping there. Maastricht University’s research portfolio continues to attract national and international top researchers. But we also believe in young talent. That’s why UM integrates research into every level of our education.
