Abertura Candidatura jovens investigadores para o Programa ATIP/AVENIR 2010 (CNRS + INSERM)
Under a partnership between Inserm and CNRS, a call for proposal is launched to:
● Enable young scientists to create and lead a team.
The ATIP - AVENIR teams will strengthen the research of the host units but will develop independently their own scientific project. Successful applicants will have to develop their projects within a structure in which they never worked before*;
● Promote mobility and attract young team leaders of high-level working abroad.
The ATIP - AVENIR grant is allocated for a period of 3 years. After evaluation, it can be extended for an additional 2 years.
It is open to any young scientists, whatever their position and nationality, having defended their PhD (or equivalent doctoral degree) within the last 10 years (on February 15, 2010) **.
Laureates of a "Young investigator" ANR programme are not eligible.*
Funding : minimum € 270,000 for the first 3 years
Projects must relate to Life sciences or Health.
Applications must be submitted in electronic form before February 15th, 2010
More information and submission through:
https://www.eva2.inserm.fr/EVA/jsp/Appe ... M_CNRS.jsp
Candidatura para o Programa ATIP/AVENIR 2010 (CNRS + INSERM)
- cientista regular
- Mensagens: 104
- Registado: quinta jul 30, 2009 6:44 pm
- University/ Institute: INESC-MN