EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships

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Mensagens: 327
Registado: quinta mar 29, 2007 7:33 am
University/ Institute: ITQB NOVA - Universidade Nova de Lisboa

EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships

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Recebi por email a informação que transcrevo a seguir, quem estiver interessado em concorrer às EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships deve verificar a informação diretamente nas páginas da EMBO.

EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships
https://www.embo.org/funding/fellowship ... llowships/

«Description: These fellowships aim to support excellent postdoctoral researchers working in laboratories throughout Europe and the world. International mobility is a key requirement. EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships also support the career development of the fellows through leadership courses and networking opportunities. Research proposals must be within EMBO's scientific scope (subject areas listed in https://www.embo.org/about-embo/program ... ect-areas/).

Eligibility: Applicants must hold a doctorate degree or equivalent at the start of the fellowship (but not necessarily at the time of application). Applicants who already hold a PhD at the time of application, are only eligible if they obtained it during the two years prior to the date of application. Applicants must have at least one first author publication accepted or published in an international peer reviewed journal. All applications must involve mobility between countries. EMBO will not consider applications to: i) go to the country in which the PhD was obtained; ii) return to a laboratory where the candidate has worked in the past for more than six months; iii) work again with the candidate's PhD supervisor. Candidates who have already started working in the host laboratory can apply only if they have been working in the host laboratory for less than six months at the time of application.

Budget: Subsistence (work contract in EMBC countries, including Portugal) for a minimum duration of 1 year, up to a maximum of 2 years. Fellows can also receive a relocation allowance (up to 5 000€) and childcare allowance (up to 2 500€ per year and per child). Fellows benefit from EMBO Laboratory Leadership courses and become part of the global network of EMBO Fellows.

Deadline: Applications are accepted throughout the year, with two annual evaluation deadlines: the second Friday of February (14:00h CET) and the second Friday of August, 12 August 2022 (14:00h CEST).»

EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowship guidelines 2022:
https://www.embo.org/documents/PDF/Post ... elines.pdf
