Ciência2007- PostDoc HEalth Informatics LIACC-U.Porto

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Registado: quarta abr 23, 2008 4:24 pm

Ciência2007- PostDoc HEalth Informatics LIACC-U.Porto

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The Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science Laboratory (LIACC) ( offers one advanced postdoctoral research position in the field of Health Informatics.

Applicants should have some postdoctoral research experience in a relevant area, such as Computer Science, Mathematics, Electrical Engineering or Medicine. Candidates should have a high quality research record, know-how and research experience in any sub-area of Health Informatics, namely electronic patient records, clinical decision support systems, knowledge extraction methods in healthcare and security in healthcare information systems. The successful candidate is expected to carry out research in one of these areas.

**** Deadline: April 25th 2008 *******

For more information, consult More details can be found
here: ... jobId=8694
