The Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (CENTRIA) at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL) seeks candidates for a post-doctoral position, to strengthen the research on Bioinformatics carried out in this Centre.
Candidates, who must hold a doctoral degree, should have a strong background in the areas of Machine Learning and / or Constraint Programming, as well as previous work experience in the field of Bioinformatics, namely (protein) structure prediction, gene expression (metabolic networks), or sequencing. They are also expected to have accomplished research achievements as evidenced by publications in leading international journals or recognized conference proceedings.
Candidates should apply by sending us their CV and other relevant information. Our selection criteria will include: overall number of publications in English language international refereed journals and conference proceedings, age and their written and oral command of the English language.
Although there are no special deadlines, candidates should be willing to join the Centre in the first semester of 2006, preferably as soon as March/April 2006. The basic scholarship is equivalent to that offered by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (around 12*1500 = 18 K€ per year). Both the starting date, the dislocation expenses, and the scholarship amount are open to negotiation. The scholarship duration is at least for a year, and renewable.
If you are a potential candidate to this post-doctoral position, please contact and send your CV both to Pedro Barahona and to Luís Moniz Pereira (Director).
The Research Centre is a dynamic research group having research activities and a large number of research projects in the following areas:
1. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, and Logic Programming
2. Natural Language
3. Machine Learning, Soft Computing, and Constraints
More information about the Centre can be obtained from CENTRIA annual reports and CENTRIA's home page.