2 Bolsa de Pós Doutoramento- Economia e Psicologia- BRU-IUL

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Mensagens: 3
Registado: quarta jan 22, 2014 2:41 pm
University/ Institute: ISCTE-IUL

2 Bolsa de Pós Doutoramento- Economia e Psicologia- BRU-IUL

Mensagem por BRU-IUL »

Caros membros do Fórum,

Gostaria de divulgar que se encontram abertas duas bolsas de pós-doutoramento na Business Research Unit (BRU/UNIDE), ISCTE-IUL. Uma na área de Economia e outra na área de Psicologia/Recursos Humanos.

Para qualquer esclarecimento, é favor contactar andreia_garcia@iscte.pt.


Position Announcement - Post-Doctoral Fellowship within a project on age and well-being at work (EXPL/MHC -PSO/1440/2013)

Within the project EXPL/MHC -PSO/1440/2013, financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, a post-doctoral position is open with the following conditions and characteristics:

1. Duration and Activities: 12 months, starting from April 1, 2014. As per the FCT regulation in human resource management, as well as the ISCTE internal regulation in matters of grants, the position is intended to be carried on under an exclusivity regime
(http://www.fct.mctes.pt/pt/apoios/forma ... oprojectos), with some exceptions specified in the FCT fellowship statutes (http://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/estatut ... anexo_art6).
The position is related to a 1-year project and, as such, cannot be renewed.

The work will be carried out at the Business Research Unit of ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, in Lisbon, Portugal.
2. Scientific area and goals: The post-doc position fits in the scientific areas of Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, and Organizational Psychology.
The appointed person will be involved in all the steps of the project:
1) Literature review;
2) Data collection;
3) Data analysis;
4) Interpretation of the results;
5) Writing up the results, for dissemination and for scientific communications;
6) Organization of a national, practice-oriented workshop.
Given that the team of researchers involved in the project is international, the post-doctoral researcher will also be responsible for keeping the minute report of the team meetings and will assist the Principal Investigator in monitoring the state of the art of the study and controlling the ongoing rhythm of the activities and the budget control.

A strong commitment is also expected of the appointed post-doc with regard to the preparation and submission of scientific papers, and the presentation of findings at scientific meetings.
3. Scientific Orientation: Silvia Dello Russo
4. Background and Experience:
• Essential
o Holding a PhD in either of these scientific areas: Organizational Psychology, Organizational Behavior (or in a closely related one, such as Human Resource Management or Social Psychology). Candidates should have completed their PhD in the last 5 years and before the starting date of the project.
o Experience in conducting field research
o Good knowledge of English, spoken and written
o Motivation for publishing internationally

• Desirable
o Experience in longitudinal data analysis
o Knowledge of age-related issues in the workplace
o Publications in international peer-reviewed journals
o Knowledge of Portuguese language
o Good project management skills
o Ability to work in a team
o Ability to work by goal-setting

5. Compensation: Consistent with the regulations of the FCT Post-Doctoral Fellowships in Portugal (€1495 net/month with Social Security and Insurance in the workplace).
6. How to Apply: Send in a single PDF file: 1) your detailed Curriculum Vitae, 2) one reference letter, 3) Motivation letter.
The application should be addressed to Silvia Dello Russo (silvia.dellorusso@iscte.pt), specifying in the object “Application for post-doc fellowship”.
7. Committee: The committee responsible for the candidates’ selection includes: Silvia Dello Russo, Jose Maria Leon-Perez, Aristides Isidoro Ferreira. The committee can ask for an interview (via skype) and will select the one whose background is best fitting the job requirements.
8. Deadline for applications: February 25, 2014

Position Announcement – Post-Doctoral Fellowship within the Project “Currency Competition – Leaders and Wars” (EXPL/IIM-ECO/0817/2013)

The Business Research Unit (BRU – IUL) at Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, ISCTE-IUL invites applications for a post-doc position in Economics within the project EXPL/IIM-ECO/0817/2013, denominated: “Currency Competition: Leaders and War”, financed by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). The conditions and characteristics are as follows:

1.Duration and activities – 12 months, full time, starting March 1, 2014. Both FCT regulations for human resources management, and also Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, ISCTE – IUL internal regulation, demand exclusivity from the post-doc researcher that will occupy this position. The position is inserted in a 1-year length project, and as such it cannot be renewed.

2.Scientific areas and goals – The post-doc position fits in the scientific area of Economics.

The appointed post-doc will be involved in all the tasks of the project. A strong commitment is also expected of the appointed post-doc, regarding the preparation and submission of scientific papers, and the presentation of findings in a scientific meeting.

The work will be carried out at the Business Research Unit (BRU – IUL) of ISCTE – IUL, in Lisbon, Portugal.

3.Scientific supervision: Alexandra Ferreira-Lopes (Principal Investigator)

4.Job requirements
oHolding a Ph.D. in Economics, specifically in the areas of Industrial Organization and/or Game Theory.
oGood knowledge of English, both spoken and written.
oIntrinsic motivation to publish internationally and to conduct independent research.

5.Salary: Consistent with the regulations of the FCT Post-Doctoral Fellowships (1495€ per month, plus Social Security and Insurance in the Workplace).

6.Application requirements: 1) Detailed CV, 2) motivation letter, and 3) reference letter. You can also include your publications (when applicable).

Applications should be addressed to Alexandra Ferreira-Lopes (alexandra.ferreira.lopes@iscte.pt).

7.Committee: The committee responsible for the candidates’ selection includes: Alexandra Ferreira-Lopes (ISCTE – IUL), Emanuel Gasteiger (ISCTE - IUL), and Catarina Roseta-Palma (ISCTE - IUL). The committee can ask for an interview (via skype).

8.Deadline for applications: 10 of February 2014.
