2 ESR positions - M.Sc. students - UK & Czech Rep.

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2 ESR positions - M.Sc. students - UK & Czech Rep.

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Post-graduate training network for capacity building to control ticks and tick-borne diseases

"In the context of global warming and globalisation, ticks and tick-borne diseases (TTBD) are expected to emerge, with an increasing risk for animals and humans. POSTICK aims to design new effective control strategies for TTBD diseases through understanding the mechanisms of tick-host-pathogen interactions regarding: (a) pathogen diversity, survival and transmission, modulation of host immune response and tick survival and (b) identification of host-pathogen-tick molecules for designing anti-tick vaccine and blocking pathogen transmission."

Job Adverts:

2 Early Stage Researcher (ESR) positions - starting date: early 2012

"Applicants should hold a strong university degree (BSc Honours or equivalent) in a relevant subject (veterinary medicine, biology or related discipline) and satisfy the Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher eligibility criteria".

"The ESR will benefit from a competitive salary, mobility allowance, international collaborations and complementary training activities organized by the POSTICK network".

POSTICK is an Initial Training Network (ITN) funded through the EU Marie Curie actions (http://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/).

** 1 ESR position (Budweis, Czech Republic)

Research topic: Cellular and molecular characterization of Ehrlichia spp. grown in tick cell lines

The Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Institute of Parasitology) in Ceske Budejovice (Budweis) offers 1 Early Stage Researcher (ESR) position for a period of 18 months, in accordance with the terms of an EU FP7 Marie Curie ITN. The ESR will develop a research project, pursuing a M.Sc. degree along with the University of South Bohemia".

** 1 ESR position (Edinburgh, Scotland)

Research topic: Effect of co-infection with a virus on Ehrlichia canis kinetics in tick and mammalian cells in vitro

The University of Edinburgh offers 1 Early Stage Researcher position for a period of 18 months, in accordance with the terms of an EU FP7 Marie Curie ITN. The ESR will develop a research project, pursuing a M.Sc. degree.

Application deadline (both positions): November 15, 2011

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