12 PhD studentships - fully funded - Scotland, UK

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Mensagens: 327
Registado: quinta mar 29, 2007 7:33 am
University/ Institute: ITQB NOVA - Universidade Nova de Lisboa

12 PhD studentships - fully funded - Scotland, UK

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* Twelve postgraduate studentships in the research areas of Energy & Environment and Health *

The University of the Highlands and Islands (Scotland, UK) invites applications for 12 fully funded postgraduate studentships, to be based at campuses across the UHI Partnership. These studentships are funded by the European Social Fund.

Sixteen (16) projects are being offered, from which 12 PhD studentship appointments will be made. See details here:
http://www.uhi.ac.uk/home/vacancies/res ... udentships

Studentships will begin in October/ November 2011 and are funded for 3.5 years, subject to fulfilment of eligibility criteria and suitable progress. Payments will include fees at UK/EU rates. Overseas candidates applying would be expected to meet the difference in EU/UK and International (non-EU) rates (non-EU rates are currently £12,075 per annum).

The university is committed to diversity and equal opportunities and welcomes applications from all sectors of society.

Application form:
http://www.uhi.ac.uk/home/vacancies/res ... p_2011.doc

Please submit your completed application to Janis.Mackay@uhi.ac.uk

Closing date for applications is 19th August. Interviews will be held in early September 2011.
