PhD position in aquatic biogeochemistry and ecotoxicology

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Registado: quinta jul 30, 2009 6:44 pm
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PhD position in aquatic biogeochemistry and ecotoxicology

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PhD graduate student position in
aquatic biogeochemistry and
The group of Molecular biogeochemistry and ecotoxicology at the Institute F.A. Forel,
University of Geneva is looking for a PhD graduate student to work on a multidisciplinary
project on the development of the new bio‐sensing tools for studying the interactions of the
toxic trace elements and inorganic nanoparticles with different biotic and abiotic
components of the aquatic systems. Our environment is undergoing rapid ecological changes
due to human activities and an understanding of the processes and interactions at play is
essential to quantify and predict their fate and impact in ecosystems. The work is
experimentally oriented and will involve lab and field measurements. The successful
candidate will participate in the teaching and organisation of the lab training and field trips
for the Master of Science in Environmental Science.
We are looking for highly motivated candidates with a strong background in environmental
sciences, chemistry or biochemistry, biology good experimental skills, ability to work in
multidisciplinary team. Master degree or equivalent is required. The PhD candidate needs to
be proficient in spoken and written English or French.
The successful candidate will benefit from working with a dynamic and multidisciplinary
team, involving the University of Geneva, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne
and North Carolina State University. Starting date is 1st of December 2010 or to be
discussed. The salary will be in accordance with the University of Geneva regulations for
academic personnel at assistant level.
University of Geneva offers state‐of‐the‐art facilities and instrumentation, highly competitive
salaries, and a stimulating working environment. We are located in Versoix site, Switzerland,
at the shores of Lake Geneva and with easy access to the Alps.
Interested applicants are requested to send a letter describing their motivation and
competences, along with a CV and the coordinates of at least two references. Applications
should be sent by email to Closing date is October 15th 2010 or
until a qualified candidate is identified.
More information about the position can be obtained from
