Posição para post-doc URG ATÉ 10 AGOSTO

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cientista regular
Mensagens: 104
Registado: quinta jul 30, 2009 6:44 pm
University/ Institute: INESC-MN

Posição para post-doc URG ATÉ 10 AGOSTO

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The University is committed to equality of opportunity.
Research Associate in Microsystems (MEMS)
Vacancy Reference No: NA06899 Salary: £27,319-£35,646 pa
Limit of tenure applies*
A position is available for a Research Associate to work on the fabrication, design and characterization of
MEMS-based inertial sensors. The project is funded by the Technology Strategy Board and involves close
collaboration with an industrial partner. The post is also likely to involve administrative responsibilities such
as writing quarterly reports and coordinating the delivery of project milestones.
The successful candidate will have a PhD degree in an appropriate Engineering or Applied Science field.
Preference will be given to candidates with previous experience in the MEMS area possessing a strong
academic and research track record. In particular, prior background in micro-/nanofabrication, MEMS
packaging and microsystem design is highly valued. Previous exposure to silicon MEMS processing,
integrated circuit design and inertial sensor research will also be considered.
Further details may be obtained from Dr Ashwin Seshia. The CHRIS /5 (Application for Employment) and
CHRIS /6 (Cover sheet for CVs) can be found at http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/offices/hr/forms/ . Please send
the appropriate form with C.V including the contact details for at least two academic references to Dr
Ashwin Seshia, Department of Engineering, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1PZ, (Tel +44 01223
760333, Fax +44 01223 332662, email aas41@cam.ac.uk)
* Limit of tenure: 24 months.
Closing date: 10 August 2010. Planned Interview dates: Interviews will be held with selected candidates as
soon as possible after the closing date.
