Call for statements of interest (DEI-FCTUC)

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Mensagens: 4
Registado: terça fev 27, 2007 3:09 pm
Localização: Universidade de Coimbra/FCTUC

Call for statements of interest (DEI-FCTUC)

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Call for statements of interest in a tenure-track assistant professorship at the
University of Coimbra, Faculty of Science and Technology,
Department of Informatics Engineering (DEI-FCTUC)

The Department of Informatics Engineering (DEI-FCTUC, invites applications for a tenure-track position at Assistant Professor level. Candidates must have a PhD degree in computer science/computer engineering or equivalent.

The monthly salary is 3191 Euros (14 months per year), corresponding to an annual salary of 44672 Euros. Tenure is decided after 5 years of effective service as assistant professor at the University of Coimbra.

Expressions of interest in this position should be sent by email to no later than September 16th, 2009. Applications should include the following:

1) A cover letter addressing the candidate’s motivation for an academic career at University of Coimbra and highlighting previous engagement of the candidate in research activities with strong publication record.
2) Detailed CV.
3) Copies (PDF) of the 6 most relevant publications co-authored by the candidate.
4) Contacts (names, addresses and phone numbers) of 3 professional references that can testify the quality of the candidate’s previous work.

The successful candidate is expected to maintain a relevant program of scholarly activity and to participate in the Department and University activities. In particular, the candidate should be able to establish a vigorous externally-funded research program involving graduate and undergraduate students and to teach courses on computer science/computer engineering.

Please indicate your availability and contacts for an interview (phone, Skype or physical interview). The final decision will be taken by the end of September. The contract will start in the second semester of the school year (February 1st, 2010).

For questions/clarifications about this call for interest, please contact Henrique Madeira (
