Post Doctoral fellowship, CEHIDRO-IST

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Registado: quarta ago 05, 2009 4:00 pm
University/ Institute: Instituto Superior Técnico

Post Doctoral fellowship, CEHIDRO-IST

Mensagem por CEHIDRO_IST »

LASEF-IDEMC and CEHIDRO, both research centers at Instituto Superior Técnico, IST-UTL, Lisbon, invite scientists and engineers to apply for a Post-Doc fellowship aimed at the production of turbulent data with Large Eddy Simulation (LES).

The workprogram of the Post-Doc grant is included in a joint research effort of LASEF and CEHIDRO on turbulent open-channel flows within emergent arrays of flexible and rigid stems (project PTDC/ECM/65442/2006, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology). The main objective is to test the sensitivity of the results, in terms of velocity and vorticity fields, to different subgrid models.

The work will be accompanied by Dr. Carlos Silva (LASEF) and by Prof. Rui M.L. Ferreira (CEHIDRO) and will take place at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST-UTL) Lisbon.

Requirements and selection criteria

The position is for 18 months, corresponding to 27,000 €, and the candidate should be ready to start immediately.

• a PhD degree in the 5 years preceding the application date and a strong background in Fluid Mechanics and computational methods.
• experience with Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent flows.
• a high degree of independence.
• proficiency in English.

Primary criteria used in the selection of participants are
• the applicant's scientific capability and potential, evaluated by the list of publications.
• the alignment of the applicant’s PhD and publications with the objectives of the project.
• the applicant availability and motivation.

Duration and starting date
1 year with possible prolongation, stating preferentially in October 2009.

The monthly salary, according to the FCT’s regulations for advanced fellowships and grants (, is €1450. The annual amount is €17400 plus insurance.

Applications should include
• Curriculum Vitae
• reference letters
• short motivation statement

Applications and inquiries should be sent by e-mail to until the 21st of September 2009
Full address:
Prof. Rui M.L. Ferreira
Instituto Superior Tecnico
Dptm. Engenharia Civil e Arquitectura, gab. 5.43
Av. Rovisco Pais
1049-001 Lisboa
