Scholarships for PhD studies in Water Resources, Australia

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Jose Rodriguez
Mensagens: 1
Registado: domingo ago 02, 2009 3:33 am
University/ Institute: University of Newcastle

Scholarships for PhD studies in Water Resources, Australia

Mensagem por Jose Rodriguez »

The ecohydrology group at the University of Newcastle is looking for candidates interested in pursuing PhD studies. Candidates will be working with one of the strongest research groups in Australia. Our group looks for highly motivated individuals with an interest in the following areas of research:

- Hydrodynamic and Hydrologic modeling for urban ecohydrology studies.
- Eco-geomorphology, management and rehabilitation of estuarine environments.
- Eco-hydrology of arid and semi-arid areas.
- Remote sensing applications for hydrology and water resource studies.

English proficiency required.

Some previous research experience is highly recommended.

Scholarships cover tuition and living expenses.

Deadline for expressions of interest is August 20 2009, but interested applicants are encouraged to contact us as soon as possible to allow enough time to prepare application material.

