Euraxess - Jobs/Services/Rights/Links

Concursos para bolsas, empregos ou casas para alugar. Pede-se que se encontre no universo do bolseiro.
Direcção da ABIC
Direcção da ABIC
Mensagens: 14
Registado: segunda jul 26, 2004 10:21 am
University/ Institute: ---

Euraxess - Jobs/Services/Rights/Links

Mensagem por jfvasconcelos »

EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion is a one-stop shop for researchers seeking to advance their careers and personal development by moving to other countries. In addition to the information on training and jobs, this electronic gateway is the entry point to a wealth of practical information on living, working and relaxing in the European countries involved.
  • EURAXESS Jobs is a stress-free recruitment tool where no charges apply. Researchers can find a wealth of constantly updated information on job vacancies, funding opportunities and fellowships throughout Europe. Posting their CV will allow recruiters to find them.
  • EURAXESS Services is a network of more than two hundred Service Centres located in 35 European countries. These Centres help researchers and their family to plan and organise their move to a foreign country.
  • EURAXESS Rights provides all information regarding the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. he Charter sets out the rights and duties of researchers, as well as research- and funding.
  • EURAXESS Links is a network for European researchers working outside Europe. Here they can find extensive information about research in Europe, European research policies, career opportunities in Europe, international collaboration and trans-national mobility.
