BPS Social Psychology Section conference - Call for Abstract

Concursos para bolsas, empregos ou casas para alugar. Pede-se que se encontre no universo do bolseiro.
Tomás Palma
investigador em formação
investigador em formação
Mensagens: 33
Registado: segunda fev 11, 2008 2:26 pm
University/ Institute: CIS/ISCTE & Utrecht University

BPS Social Psychology Section conference - Call for Abstract

Mensagem por Tomás Palma »


This year's BPS Social Psychology Section conference is to be held at the University of Sheffield from 15th - 17th September 2009. We are now asking for abstract submissions for the programme. The submission deadline is 30th April 2009. Please see the website for more details:


If you have any queries please direct them to the conference organisers Dr Kevin McKee (k.j.mckee@sheffield.ac.uk) and Dr Thomas Webb (t.webb@sheffield.ac.uk).
Tomás Palma
