International Business and Economics Review- CALL FOR PAPERS

Concursos para bolsas, empregos ou casas para alugar. Pede-se que se encontre no universo do bolseiro.
Tomás Palma
investigador em formação
investigador em formação
Mensagens: 33
Registado: segunda fev 11, 2008 2:26 pm
University/ Institute: CIS/ISCTE & Utrecht University

International Business and Economics Review- CALL FOR PAPERS

Mensagem por Tomás Palma »

You are invited to submit papers presenting an original research related to "MOBILE-BUSINESS: EVIDENCES AND TRENDS" at The INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS REVIEW.

Please visit for more information.
DEADLINE: March 31th 2009
The objective of the "MOBILE-BUSINESS: EVIDENCES AND TRENDS" issue is to lay the grounds for a discussion around the state-of-the-art, providing academics and practitioners with the opportunity of presenting their contributions and establishing future directions for the emerging and innovative applications in mobile services.

Some topics of interest for technical papers are listed bellow and do not exclude other relevant themes:

* Real-world projects relying on Mobile access
* Key applications to leverage the development/use of mobile web
* Analysis of the potential demand for data service / mobile web access
* Challenges to make the Mobile Web a useful resource (not just an usable one)
* Analysis of value added of the Mobile Web vs. a mobile phone (voice only) vs. personal computer
* M-Advertising: data concerning the adoption of the service, the value of 'mobile' to advertisers, personalisation and targeting, measurement and metrics, defining best practices, privacy issues, emerging trends, key features for a successful mobile campaign.
* M-Finance: money transfer, m-payments, m-Banking, security, regulation, definition of value chain.
* M-Government: measurement, politics, votes, security, public sector, education, taxes, census, E-government, information, participation, legislation, platform.
* Segmentation/Branding: grey market, segmentation tools, user generated content, social networking.
* Health: monitoring, diagnostics, reporting, emergency, treatment, care.
Tomás Palma
