PhD grant on Nanotechnology (Univ. Aveiro)

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Mensagens: 1
Registado: quarta mai 23, 2007 11:15 pm
Localização: Universidade de Aveiro

PhD grant on Nanotechnology (Univ. Aveiro)

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The International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL) and the Associate Laboratory CICECO of the University of Aveiro are recruiting one student for a PhD grant under the INL fellowships framework program. Thus we are looking for PhD applicants who are motivated individuals able to conduct research into a multidisciplinary research topic in the field of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. The candidates should have a basic background in the fields of condensed matter physics, chemistry, surface science and/or biotechnology. The PhD project aims to develop research mainly related to the topic:
“Nanoscale integration of low-dimensional structures for bio-analysis”.

The PhD grant will include the tuition fees, social security, insurance plus a monthly salary of aprox. 1000 €. The grant is awarded for 1 year and is renewable subject to positive evaluation.

The applications will be evaluated considering the following criteria:

1st stage
1. Degrees and marks obtained as stated in the CV and University certificates.
2. Previous research experience relevant to the PhD project.

2nd stage
In order to make a final decision, the candidates selected in the 1st stage will be interviewed on the basis of their CV and perspectives of future research.

The members of the jury are:
1. Sérgio Pereira (Supervisor, CICECO Full-time researcher)
2. Tito Trindade (Co-Supervisor, Associate Professor)
3. João Rocha (CICECO Director, Full Professor)

Applicants should send before the 15th December by email or post-mail:
- A cover letter including the e-mail address;
- A detailed CV with the transcript of the University certificates which include the marks obtained;
- Names and contact information of two referees;
Dr. Sérgio Pereira
CICECO, University of Aveiro
3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
Tel: +351 234 378 112
Fax: + 351 234 378 197

The selected candidate will be informed by e-mail.
