Research Positions for Post-PhD (candidates owning the PhD degree before August 2004)
Deadline - August 23, 2007
GECAD (Knowledge Engineering and Decision Support Research Group) is a R&D unit ranked at Very Good level and settled at the Institute of Engineering – Polytechnic of Porto, in Portugal.
GECAD will contract 3 researchers for 5 years. Candidates must have at least 3 years experience after PhD.
Annual Salary is ~42500,00 euros.
The 3 Research Positions are the following:
C2007-FCT/442/2006 – GECAD/ISEP - Knowledge Based, Cognitive and Learning Systems
C2007-FCT/442/2006 – GECAD/ISEP - Ambient Intelligence, Ubiquitous Computing
C2007-FCT/442/2006 – GECAD/ISEP - Electricity Markets
Candidates should send detailed curriculum vitae to:
Prof. Carlos Ramos
Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP/IPP)
Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431
4200-072 Porto
Contratos para doutorados em Engenharia
- cientista sempre presente
- Mensagens: 369
- Registado: domingo dez 12, 2004 3:42 pm
- Localização: Instituto Superior Psicologia Aplicada
- Contacto:
Contratos para doutorados em Engenharia
André Levy - Biólogo
Bolsa de Pós Doutoramento - ISPA
Direcção da ABIC
André Levy - Biólogo
Bolsa de Pós Doutoramento - ISPA
Direcção da ABIC