4 year full salary PhD at the Norwegian Structural Biology

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Registado: terça abr 27, 2004 6:08 pm
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4 year full salary PhD at the Norwegian Structural Biology

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A PhD scholarship at the Norwegian Structural Biology Center at the Institute of Chemistry, University of Tromsoe will be announced in the near future:

"The PhD-scholar will work with protein kinases that represent targets in anticancer drug design. The project aims to examine in detail the thermodynamics and structures of kinase—ligand interactions as a function of variations of the kinase sequence, domain architecture, post-translational modification, and ligand structure. The studies will identify determinants of kinase inhibition selectivity and also suitable model systems for practical drug design. The project studies involve bioinformatics analysis of kinase-ligand binding determinants, cloning and recombinant expression, biochemical and biophysical characterization by ITC and DSC calorimetry, spectroscopic methods including DLS and SPR, X-ray crystallography, and theoretical methods. Chemical synthesis and/or NMR methods are options as well."

The PhD student is paid according to the Norwegian state salary scale 1017, approximately NOK 290000 per year (At today's exchange rates, that is an annual salary of $46000 or €36000).

The University of Tromsoe is the world's northernmost university; Tromsoe and its surroundings offers a wide variety of opportunities in a spectacular setting with a (surprisingly) mild climate. Use e.g. www.http://www.destinasjontromso.no/ or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troms%C3%B8 as starting points for further information.

Please forward this information to interested students. Inquiries may be made to me directly, I will reply with details of the application procedure when they become available.


Richard A. Engh
Professor, Department of Chemistry
The Norwegian Structural Biology Centre (Norstruct)
Universitetet i Tromsø
N-9037 Tromsø

Roche Diagnostics GmbH
Department of Medicinal Chemistry
Nonnenwald 2
D-82377 Penzberg, Germany
