Job offer at the EMBL

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Mensagens: 97
Registado: terça abr 27, 2004 6:08 pm
Localização: ABIC

Job offer at the EMBL

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Last year we (ELLS/EMBL) together with EMBO and CERN have put together a grant application to the EU: 6th Framework Programme (FP6) : Science and Society -Women in Science. The application was successful and the contract is about to be signed.

Our project is named SET-Routes and aims to establish a Women Scientists Ambassadors Programme.

Women Scientists from the 3 partner institutions (EMBL- currently working at EMBL or Alumni; EMBO- EMBO Members,Young Investigators; CERN) will visit secondary schools and/or Universities in their home countries, or in any EU member state, to provide inspirational role models for young people, encourage women science graduates to pursue further studies and careers in science and help challenge young people's ideas and perceptions of science and engineering.

The Women Scientist Ambassadors will be involved in activities aimed to secondary schools (classroom activities, science festivals, career panels, science talks) ) and/or to Universities (career panels, scientific talks).

A position for SET-Routes Ambassadors Programme Administrator is currently open (deadline August 31).

For more info please visit the EMBL home page at jobs: ... l?EmblHD=x
