15th National Congress of Biochemistry
The 15th National Congress of Biochemistry will take place in Aveiro, on 8-10 December 2006. The Organizing Committee is headed by Prof. Dr. Manuel Santos. The site of the XV National Congress of Biochemistry is already available. Please go to
A. Genomics and Gene Expression Control
B. Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
C. Molecular Mechanisms of Disease
D. Cell Cycle
E. Development Biology
F. Neurobiology
G. Proteomics and Signalling Networks
H. Biochemistry and Biophysics of Biomembranes
I. Molecular Biotechnology
J. Aging and Cell Death
K. Microbial Physiology and Genetics
L. Clinical Biochemistry
M. Plant Functional Genomics
N. Structural Biology and Molecular Modelling
O. Round Table: Implications of Bolougne for Portuguese Biosciences and Biomedicine
Parallel Symposia (7 December 2006)
A. RNA 2006
B. Oxidative stress in Biology and Biomedicine (Oxistress 2006)
Important Dates:
Deadline for abstract Submissions- July 30th
Deadline for registration- September 10th
Late registration- October 10th