A three year PhD fellowship position is available beginning September or October 1, 2006 in the Department of Plant Ecophysiology and Microbiology (DEVM) at CEA Cadarache, France to investigate the role of aquaporin in regulating H2O and CO2 flux in the mesophyll.
The DEVM is a joint unit of CNRS and CEA research bodies located in the South East part of France, near Aix en Provence and Marseille. The PhD fellowship from CNRS/CEA is 1748 euros gross monthly pay.
DESCRIPTION: In the leaf, an efficient transport of liquid H2O maintains the hydraulic continuum in between the petiole and the evaporating sites (substomatal cavities) to avoid a damaging alteration of cellular water status. The H2O transport in the mesophyll is commonly assumed to follow the cell wall continuum via the apoplasmic route, and the transcellular or symplasmic pathway is assumed to be of minor importance. However, aquaporins (proteins facilitating H2O transport) have been shown to be present in the plasmalemma of mesophyll cells and are likely candidates to modulate the relative contribution of symplastic route to H2O transport as a function of transpiration flux. Some aquaporins of the plasmalemma also facilitate CO2 transport. This property may underline an important physiological role of aquaporins: the co-regulation of fluxes of H2O and CO2 between apoplasm and mesophyll cells to optimize CO2 supply to photosynthesis and cellular water status. For this PhD study, the fellow will have available new tools developed by the host laboratory to analyse H2O and CO2 fluxes between apoplasm and symplasm in folio and to address the role of aquaporins for H2O and CO2 transport in the mesophyll. The project will involve i) the validation of an original approach for non-invasive tracing of H2O and CO2 fluxes in the mesophyll ii) the characterisation of the physiological role of aquaporins using transformants/mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana showing altered aquaporin expression.
REQUIREMENTS: The applicant must be an EC citizen and must hold a MASTER or equivalent qualifications in the relevant specialities to qualify for the fellowship. Plant background may be a plus.
Specialities Biology, Biophysics,
APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: To apply send ASAP a cover letter, C.V. and 2 or 3 names of scientists who could send a reference letter