4-year PhD student position in structural biology at the Turku Centre for
Biotechnology, Turku, Finland.
The central focus of the project is to provide insights into the mechanism of
the iron-binding protein Dpr from Streptococcus suis. Understanding the
mechanistic details of Dpr will help in designing iron nanoparticles with novel
properties for use in applied processes. The project will employ a multi- and
interdisciplinary approach from molecular biology and protein chemistry to
X-ray crystallography and biophysics. The techniques used include protein
expression and purification, mutagenesis studies, crystallisations, protein
structure determination, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, microcalorimetry, and
magnetometry. A solid undergraduate background in protein biochemistry,
molecular biology and/or biophysics is required. The student will need to be
highly motivated and well-organised, have good spoken and written English and
be able to take initiatives and to design experiments.
To apply please send a cover letter explaining your motivation and inspirations
for PhD studies, your complete CV with detailed records of academic
performance, prior work experience with performed tasks, and contact
information for at least two referees (one referee should be your most recent
employer/supervisor) to: Tassos Papageorgiou, Turku Centre for Biotechnology,
Tykistokatu 6, Turku 20521 Finland (applications by e-mail also acceptable)
Closing date is November 20, 2007. Commencing date is January 2008.
Related publications
1. Kauko, A., Pulliainen, A.T., Haataja, S., Meyer-Klaucke, W., Finne, J. &
Papageorgiou, A.C. (2006). Iron incorporation in Streptococcus suis Dps-like
peroxide resistance protein Dpr requires mobility in the ferroxidase center and
leads to the formation of a ferrihydrite-like core. J. Mol. Biol. 364, 97-109
2. Pulliainen, A.T., Kauko, A., Haataja, S., Papageorgiou, A.C. & Finne, J.
(2005). Dpr/Dps miniferritin: Insights into the mechanism of iron incorporation
and evidence for a central role in cellular iron homeostasis in Streptococcus
suis. Mol. Microbiol. 57, 1086-1100
3. Kauko, A., Haataja, S., Pulliainen, A.T., Finne, J. & Papageorgiou, A.C.
(2004). Crystal structure of Streptococcus suis Dps-like peroxide resistance
protein Dpr: Implications for iron incorporation. J. Mol. Biol. 338, 547-558
4. Haataja. S., Penttinen, A., Pulliainen, A.T., Tikkanen, K., Finne, J. &
Papageorgiou, A.C. (2002). Expression, purification and crystallisation of Dpr,
a ferritin-like protein from the gram-positive meningitis-associated bacterium
Streptococcus suis. Acta Crystallogr. D. 58, 1851-1853
Tassos Papageorgiou
A.C.(Tassos) Papageorgiou, PhD phone: +358 2 333 8012 (office)
Adj. Professor, Group leader fax: +358 2 333 8000
Turku Centre for Biotechnology E-mail:
BioCity, Turku URL:
FIN-20521, Finland