Positions in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Greece

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Mensagens: 262
Registado: sexta ago 19, 2005 6:47 pm
University/ Institute: La Trobe University
Localização: Bundoora (Australia)

Positions in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Greece

Mensagem por Sofia »

A number of research positions have become available in the Artificial Intelligence and Information Analysis (AIIA) Laboratory at the Department of Informatics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

* Postdoctoral researchers
* PhD students holding an MSc degree or Diploma in Electrical Engineering / Computer Science / Computer Engineering or equivalent.

The AIIA Lab profile and related information can be found in http://www.aiia.csd.auth.gr . The positions are funded by several competitive FP6 R&D projects (Networks of Excellence and Integrated projects funded European Union). The general research topic is digital signal / image / video processing and analysis, computer vision, and graphics. An indicative list of possible research topics is the following:

* Image Watermarking/Fingerprinting
* Digital Image/Video Analysis

The exact research topic of the new researcher will be chosen so as to match his/her experience aiming at maximum productivity. The positions are financed by EU research projects. Appointments can be extended for 3 years or more. Proven research experience in one of the following fields : digital image processing, computer vision, graphics, interfaces, signal processing, very good knowledge of English, C/C++ programming and strong interest in academic research are highly desired.

Prospective applicants should be EU citizens only and should forward their resume (CV) and recommendation letters by fax or email (preferably) to:

Prof. Ioannis Pitas
Department of Informatics
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki 54124, Box 451
Tel: +30-2310-996361
Fax: +30-2310-998453
e-mail: pitas@a iia.csd.auth.gr
