2012 Call for Applications for Doctoral Scholarships in the Framework of IDPASC/FCT
Call will open from 16th April to the 25th May 2012
In the framework of the FCT-IDPASC program, the network IDPASC opens a call for applications to PhD Scholarships for thesis subjects proposed by IDPASC researchers and taking place in the Portuguese Universities members of the IDPASC network, in Particle and Astroparticle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology.
In this page you will find the terms of the call and instructions for the call: http://www.idpasc.lip.pt/mod/resource/view.php?id=84
For inquiries concerning this call please e-mail idpasc@lip.pt.
In the framework of the FCT‐IDPASC program, the network IDPASC opens a call for applications to:
•PhD Scholarships for thesis subjects proposed by IDPASC researchers and taking place in the Portuguese Universities members of the IDPASC network, in the following fields:
o Particle and Astroparticle Physics;
o Astrophysics;
o Cosmology.
The scholarships by‐laws correspond to the Regulations for Advanced Training and Qualification of Human Resources 2011 of FCT. The application, evaluation and grant award procedures specific to this call are defined hereafter.
Period of the Call
The call will be open from 16th April to the 25th May 2012.
Thesis Subjects
The proposed thesis subjects are submitted in the IDPASC site by REGISTERED IDPASC researchers. The thesis subjects are submitted indicating the title, scientific domain, institution that will confer the academic degree, host institution, name of the adviser and of the co‐adviser if there is one (who must also be registered in the network).
Applicants can be either Portuguese nationals or foreign citizens, including individuals without nationality. Applicants should have a relevant academic or scientific CV in the areas targeted by the IDPASC network, in particular they must have concluded a graduation degree (licence or master) before 31 December 2012.
Application submission
Applications must be submitted electronically through
and have the following steps:
The applicants consult the proposed thesis themes and, in case of interest, must apply, in the site, to the theme submitting a motivation letter and a short CV. An automatic email will be sent both to the applicant and to the supervisor.
The Researchers review the applications of the students, validating the one that they accept to supervise for each proposed thesis theme. An automatic email will be sent both to the applicant and to the supervisor.
The students validated by the researchers may then apply to the grants gathering all the required documents. For this final step the student has to register in the IDPASC site.
All these steps must be taken before the deadline announced in the Call otherwise the application will not be completed and cannot be taken into account for the grant award selection. No other means of submission are available.
Review and evaluation of applications takes into account the intrinsic merit of the applicant, the plan of work and the host conditions.
The grant award
The grant is awarded, after the homologation of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), in the form of an allowance under the terms set forth in the Regulations and in the contract to be signed between the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) and the grant recipient. The grants cannot start before 1st January 2013.
Financial Support
The scholarships are financed by funds of Foundation for Science and Technology.
The Terms and Regulations are available on the web at:
IDPASC – http://www.idpasc.lip.pt/
FCT ‐ http://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/regulamento.phtml.en
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Nº14 – 1º
1000‐149 Lisboa, Portugal