10 PhD positions - IGC - Integrative Biomedical Sciences

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10 PhD positions - IGC - Integrative Biomedical Sciences

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PhD Programme in Integrative Biomedical Sciences
IGC - Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência - Oeiras, Portugal

"We are now selecting students for the class of 2012/2013, to begin in January.
Click here (http://www.igc.gulbenkian.pt/static/doc ... ll_phd.pdf) to see this year’s (2012) call for applicants, or here (http://app.igc.gulbenkian.pt/phd/application.php) to go directly to the online application form."

"The Gulbenkian Institute of Science (IGC) is now looking for students to join its PhD program. The program includes a teaching module, with lectures and workshops by leading scientists from around the world [...]. At the end of this module, students are given time to develop and propose their own research projects, and the opportunity to do their thesis work at the institute."

"Our research community spans over a wide range of topics: from immunology to cell cycle, from pollen tube morphogenesis to evolutionary genetics. For an overview of what our groups do, go to our research page (http://www.igc.gulbenkian.pt/node/view/25). The IGC offers a wide range of experimental models, including Arabidopsis, zebrafish, mouse, Drosophila and several distinct prokaryote and viral experimental systems. The IGC also hosts a strong research community working on modelling, bioinformatics and theoretical biology. Students are strongly encouraged to design projects that join two or more of these areas, and take full advantage of the model systems available."

"The IGC's PhD program welcomes candidates from all nationalities, including those outside of European Union member states. We also encourage interested candidates at all stages of their career to apply. Doctors, engineers, veterinarians, and other professionals are eligible regardless of when they concluded their university degree."

"The 10 selected students will receive six months of classes and workshops taught by leading experts from around the world and resident Faculty (http://www.igc.gulbenkian.pt/teaching/s ... ibscourses).
A thesis project will be performed over three and a half years. Full tuition and stipend for 4 years of study for successful applicants is ensured, starting January 2013."

The deadline for applications is March 30th, 2012.

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