The R&D Unit SITI – Informatics Systems and Technologies ( of University Lusófona has one open position available for a finishing PhD or POSTDOCTORAL researcher within the context of its R&D team DAIM (Digital Arts and Interactive Media).
We are looking for highly motivated researchers with experience in fields related to user interaction design, human computer interaction, augmented reality, multimedia. The candidate is expected to excel in both spoken and written English.
The tasks to be fulfilled include development and coordination of scientific activities both nationally and internationally. The candidate is expected to be willing to work in multidisciplinary fields that combine informatics sciences and arts. He/she is expected to be a motivated and quick learner, willing to cooperate and to assist in driving synergies together with the colleagues. He/she is also expected to participate by developing ideas and activities within the context of an exciting and interdisciplinary environment.
The R&D unit SITI is a young, exciting and intellectually stimulating R&D unit located within the campus of University Lusófona, Lisboa. It incorporates a multidisciplinary team focused on three main tracks: networking and systems; digital media; digital economy.
Preferred Skills and Profile:
• In the verge of finishing a PhD/having recently completed a PhD in computer science, media sciences or related fields;
• Experience with HCI and user interaction design
• Experience with augmented reality tools (programming and structuring)
• Good balance between analytical and technical skills.
• Open to mediate between the fields of arts and informatics sciences.
The position is for 1 year automatically renewable until 3 years with expected start on November 2011.
How to apply and/or additional inquiries: please send your CV (pdf) ideally together with 3 recommendation letters (pdf) to UNTIL September 30th 2011.