Vagas, investigadores nível MSc - SITI, Universidade Lusófon

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Mensagens: 9
Registado: domingo mar 15, 2009 11:04 pm
University/ Institute: INESC Porto

Vagas, investigadores nível MSc - SITI, Universidade Lusófon

Mensagem por rute19104 »

the R&D Unit SITI – Informatics Systems and Technologies ( of University Lusófona has two open positions for junior researchers (MSc level).

Both positions are for 1 year to be started in mid-October 2011, being the scholarship of approximately 13k Euros yearly, free of taxes.

How to apply and/or additional inquiries: please send your CV (pdf) ideally together with 3 recommendation letters (pdf) to UNTIL September 30th 2011. Please refer the position abbreviation.


EFFI1 - researcher holding an MSc (level FCT BM), R&D team EFFI - Experimental Facilities for Innovation.

We are looking for highly motivated researchers with background on Information Systems, ideally with previous experience in fields related to mobility. Tasks to be fullfilled relate to a project focused on reliable and robust communication in transportation environments.

Keywords: transports, mobility; information systems; software engineering; communication control and management.

Preferred Skills and Profile:
• Good balance between analytical and technical skills.
• ideally, previous experience with testbed development (open-source software systems)

The position is for 1 year to be started in mid-October 2011, being the scholarship of approximately 13k Euros yearly, free of taxes.


DAIM2: researcher holding an MSc, R&D team DAIM (Digital Arts and Interactive Media).

We are looking for highly motivated researchers with experience in fields related to user interaction design, human computer interaction, augmented reality, multimedia. The candidate is expected to excel in both spoken and written English.

Tasks to be fullfilled relate to a project which is focused on analyzing methods aimed to leverage user’s experience and usability in the presence on large-scale sensing systems. Special attention will be given to coupled interaction between users and sensing platforms. One major goal is the recognition of users’ cognitive or emotional status and its integration with behaviour and environmental data. This recognition will provide (in a near future) a more powerful way of augmenting capabilities and guaranteeing a stronger adaptation of applications to users.

Keywords: affective computing; emotional sensing; immersive technology.

Preferred Skills and Profile:
• Experience with HCI and user interaction design
• Experience with augmented reality tools (programming and structuring)
• Good balance between analytical and technical skills.
• Open to mediate between the fields of arts and informatics sciences.

