Curso:Dendroecology: applying tree-ring methods to understan

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Curso:Dendroecology: applying tree-ring methods to understan

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Dendroecology: applying tree
tree-ring methods to understand forest ecological processes

Paolo Cherubini
Senior Scientist, Head of the Dendro Sciences Research Unit
WSL – Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research - Birmensdorf, Switzerland

23rd November 2010, 9h00-12h30

Instituto Superior de Agronomia

Program outline

Dendrochronology: the history
Biological background of tree-ring studies
Materials and methods in dendrochronological studies
Applications in forest ecology, climatology and geomorphology: rese
research highlights
Conclusions and future perspectives
Seminar “Publish or Perish”: 13h30-14h30 (Optional / Open to public)

dendroPORT – Dendrochronology
and Climate Dynamics, Portugal
Centro de Estudos Florestais
Instituto Superior de Agronomia

Application deadline 12th November 2010
Send e-mail to: Sofia Leal (

dendroPORT – Dendrochronology and Climate Dynamics, Portugal

Centro de Estudos Florestais, Instituto Superior de Agronomia

Fee: 35€ (coffee-break and handouts included)

WSL – Swiss Federal Institute for
Forest, Snow and Landscape Research
