bolsa de investigação em biologia computational no ITQB

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Registado: quarta set 30, 2009 10:05 am
University/ Institute: ITQB/UNL

bolsa de investigação em biologia computational no ITQB

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Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica
Research Position
Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology

A full-time graduate research position (BI) is open under the framework of the project “Integrative Bioinformatics for Molecular Epidemiology of gram-positive pathogens” (Ref. PTDC/EIA-EIA/105245/2008) funded by the portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).

Duration and regulations: six months (with possibility of renewal), to start at the earliest convenience on August 2010, with full-time dedication, according to the regulations defined by FCT (see: ... oprojectos) and by Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica (ITQB/UNL) as the host institution.

Task summary: The work description corresponds to the computational component of curating a world-class reference Staphylococcus sp. collection in the molecular microbiology group of ITQB. It requires strong computational skills to develop automated procedures as well as some basic data analysis skills.
The successful candidate will be exposed to a variety of training opportunities, in computer science and molecular epidemiology data analysis and visualization. The partnerships and opportunities for cross training are extended through multiple collaborations in EU and USA.

Scientific supervision: Prof. Jonas S. Almeida, Dr. Maria Miragaia, Helena F. Deus.

Requirements: The applicants must have a background in biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, microbiology, biological engineering or close areas with a final a classification of at least 15 (out of 20) or equivalent. Other requirements include:
- Strong motivation and commitment to scientific work;
- Proficiency in spoken and written English;
- Previous experience with logical thinking, algorithm development or knowledge of programming languages (PHP, JavaScript, Perl, etc) is preferred.

Payment: The scholarship is defined by the FCT table for research grants (see, BI – research grant).
Application documents and selection criteria: The applicants must send a motivation letter (indicating the reference of the position) explaining how their experience and qualifications fit to the requirements, detailed Curriculum vitae, and the contacts of two referees (if possible, reference letters should be sent by email directly to Helena Deus and Jonas Almeida by the referees). Criteria for selection will be based on the curriculum, and interest in progressing to a doctorate degree. Selected applicants will be invited for a formal interview.

Deadline for application: July 15, 2010

Applications must be sent by e-mail to:
Helena F. Deus (
Professor Jonas S. Almeida (
Anúncio Ref. 078/BI/2010
Biomathematics Group
Avenida da República (EAN)
2780-157 OEIRAS
