PhD Scholarship in Food Technology (Dublin - Ireland)

Concursos para bolsas, empregos ou casas para alugar. Pede-se que se encontre no universo do bolseiro.
Tiago H. Silva
Mensagens: 664
Registado: quarta fev 28, 2007 2:38 pm
University/ Institute: Universidade do Minho
Localização: Universidade do Minho

PhD Scholarship in Food Technology (Dublin - Ireland)

Mensagem por Tiago H. Silva »

National University of Ireland, Dublin
Food Refrigeration and Computerised Food Technology

One PhD Scholarship in “Determination of Meat Quality Based on Hyperspectral Imaging Technique”

This project aims to develop a novel hyperspectral imaging system for quantitative and objective determination of meat quality such as the amount and distribution of marbling, colour and textural quality. In order to do this, meat muscle structure attributes such as marbling, colour and texture will be investigated in visible and invisible (near infrared) ranges of spectrum and most critical image attributes relevant to meat quality (palatability) will be found. Measurements based on traditional instruments and sensory analysis will be carried out to test, train and validate the hyperspectral imaging system, leading to the establishment of reliable meat quality predictors.

Applications are invited for a PhD Scholarship for the above project. Candidates should have relevant knowledge in image processing, chemometrics or meat science, and should possess a Masters Degree in Food Science, Food Engineering, Biosystems Engineering, or a related discipline. The PhD student employed will assist day-to-day research on hyperspectral imaging evaluation of the quality of meats and on evaluation of the meat quality by instrumental and sensory methods. The value of the PhD scholarship ranges from €21,000 - €25,000 per annum depending on experience. Please note that successful candidates will be required to pay a postgraduate registration fee.

Further information:
Professor Da-Wen Sun, Food Refrigeration & Computerised Food Technology, School of Agriculture, Food Science and Veterinary Medicine, University College Dublin, Agriculture & Food Science Centre, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland; Email:

Application Procedure:
A letter of interest together with a full CV, two reference letters, undergraduate and postgraduate study transcripts, and evidence of English fluency (for non-native English speakers) should be posted or emailed to Professor Da-Wen Sun, at the above address.

Please note that for non-native English speaking applicants, if English was not used as the medium of his/her first Degree, UCD admission requires a minimum score of 550 TOEFL (213 Computer Based) or 6.0 IELTS; application will not be considered if he/she does not submit such English results (less than 2 years old) with the application. If English was used as the medium of the first Degree, a certificate of such use should also be submitted with the application.

Closing date for receipt of applications: Thursday 31 December 2009.
