AICR Cancer Research Fellowship Opportunity & Conference

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Direcção da ABIC
Direcção da ABIC
Mensagens: 17
Registado: quarta abr 04, 2007 7:23 pm
University/ Institute: IT/IST
Localização: Lisboa

AICR Cancer Research Fellowship Opportunity & Conference

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The Association for International Cancer Research (AICR) invites applications for the International Cancer Research Fellowships.

The Fellowship provides support for young investigators to establish an independent research group. Open to applicants from any country and tenable in any country, with a PhD and between 3 and 8 years postdoctoral experience, they are designed to support fundamental or translational cancer research. Fellowships will last for 6 years, providing support for the Fellow's salary plus 2 research staff, research expenses, equipment and travel costs, up to £1million. The deadline for applications is 30th June 2009. For further details please visit our website -

We are hosting a special 30th Anniversary Conference in Scotland during April 2010 –
