Call for experts: Your expertise is needed - Marie Curie

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Call for experts: Your expertise is needed - Marie Curie

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Marie Curie France Regions (MCFR) is a programme co-funded by the European Union under the
FP7 People programme. The MCFR programme is a result of a successful application under the
2007 People COFUND call. Marie Curie France Regions is a programme dealing with
researchers’ mobility.
The principle behind this project is to combine the initiative efforts of French Regions in favour of
the mobility of researchers/fellows. The expected key points of the programme are:
- A progressive standardization of selection procedures and recruitment, region by region
- The standardization and improvement of promotion and communication efforts.
- The significant increase in the number of fellowships, as well as their length, and the
improvement of the conditions of mobility
- Reaching out to a large number of universities and of research laboratories all over
- No research topic is to be excluded a priori
MCFR is managed by the French Rector’s Conference (CPU).
Requested Services
The MCFR coordinator invites individual experts for application in order to temporary provide
support to the MCFR fellowship programme during its implementation phase.
They will be in charge of selecting fellows for an individual mobility scheme (incoming or outgoing).
The task will be to help the CPU in evaluating proposals submitted in response to call for proposal.
The work as an expert evaluator in the MCFR programme is under the supervision of the CPU.
No research topic is to be excluded, a priori.
Expert will be chosen among European and International researchers.
Each fellow proposal will be transmitted to at least 3 experts; each expert will give a score
according to evaluation criteria. The average of the scores will be used to rank proposals.
Proposals will not be evaluated anonymously.
Each expert evaluator will have to fill in an Evaluation Summary Report giving the proposal overall
score, and for each criterion, exposing the marks, strengths, weaknesses and recommendations.
The selection procedure of the fellows will be based on selection criteria. No threshold will be used.
Evaluators will have to respect equal opportunities: applicants will be chosen without distinctions
on the ground of sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation.
Applicants can apply after a pause in their career. The ratio men/ women will not be taken into
account during the evaluation process, nevertheless experts will be asked to pay a particular
attention on actions allowing a large participation of women.
Profile of the experts
Experts must experienced academic researchers or researchers working in the public or private
sector, coming from the International and the European scientific community. Fellows will be hired
by their peers.
All fields of interest to the European Union are eligible, except areas of research covered by the
Euratom Treaty. ( ... 1957K.html)
Criteria used to select experts are vast in order to ensure diversity:
Scientific achievements (publications, patents, etc.)
Supervising experience (PhD mentoring)
Training experience
Research management experience (laboratory management…)
Industrial partnerships
Recruitment experience (national or university selection committees)
Participation in decision-making bodies
International collaborations (network, research projects…)
Evaluation experience (in other agencies of funding organisations)
Application and selection procedure:
Applications must be Curriculum Vitae written in English.
Do not forget to precise in your CV your language skills in English.
Experts’ data are registered in a database if they are eligible. CPU will choose, among this
database, experts according to the topics of applications to be processed.
Eligibility criteria
• Appropriate educational and professional background in their field of expertise : requested
skills, knowledge and experience
• Technical expertise and public recognition
• Publications and patents
• A complete CV in the Word format (.doc: compatible with Word 2003)
• Appropriate working knowledge of English (speak, read, write and understand)
Coordinator contact point: Helpdesk:
Guide for experts: will be made available on the website, in the Selection Committee section, as
soon as possible.
Conflicts of interest: Experts will be asked to sign a no-conflict of interest declaration form.
The Coordinator will not give experts proposals originating from their own region.
Confidentiality agreement: Expert must have to sign a confidentiality form.
Use of tools
Experts’ evaluators will be asked to use their own computer or laptop.
Experts must have an Internet connexion and an e-mail address.
Experts will be chosen without distinctions on the ground of sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or
belief, disability, age or sexual orientation.
Location and duration
The evaluation process is a remote process, so evaluators will not have to get about. The
evaluation of proposal will be done at your home or place of work.
The remuneration will be provided in the form of a payment per day worked.
If selected to serve as an expert, the person will be sent an appointment letter with all the terms
and conditions (including a declaration of confidentiality and a declaration of no-conflict of interest)
before being allowed to start the work.
Submission for application
Applications must be submitted by e-mail to the following address:
In order to start the fellows’ selection as soon as possible, applications might be submitted from
now on. However, the call for application still be open until 2012.
You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt in order to confirm the reception of your
application. Make sure of its receipt. Be careful, this acknowledgment of receipt does not mean
that you are selected to participate in the selection committee.
The file name must be registered as follow: Last Name MCFR1
The application must be submitted under a Word format. It must be registered under a version
compatible with Word 2003 (e.g.: Last Name MCFR1.doc)
Time schedule
The first call for fellows’ application will be launched the 15th of April with a deadline the 22nd of
Evaluators selected to participate to the first selection committee will work as temporary experts’
evaluators from the 22nd of May.
MCFR contact
Caroline STREB
Projet MCFR
103 Boulevard Saint Michel
75 005 Paris
Phone : +33 1 44 32 90 27
