In a joint project, the plankton ecology groups of the ICBM at the University of Oldenburg and the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) are hiring 2 PhD students
in a DFG-funded project ”Ecological stoichiometry of aquatic food webs (ELSER)”. The positions are open from May 1st 2009. The positions are restricted to 3 years (salary according to TVL E-13 50%) and should lead to a successful dissertation.
Both candidates will work closely together on experiments and meta-analyses, but will have their own profile. One candidate (Position A) will focus on experiments elucidating the role of producer and consumer diversity on nutrient dynamics and resource ratios. Position A is situated within the Plankton Ecology Group ( of Prof. Hillebrand in Wilhelmshaven/Germany. Position B will experimentally focus on the ability of consumers to select for food quality. Position B is located at the Plankton Ecology Group of Prof Boersma at the Biological Station on the Island of Helgoland.
We offer positions within dynamic and active groups working on current topics in plankton ecology, in particular ecological stoichiometry. State-of-the-art experimental and analytical infrastructure allows properly addressing general ecological questions. We are searching for highly motivated candidates having an excellent diploma or master degree in biology, ecology, environmental science or marine science. We expect a strong interest in general ecological questions and great enthusiasm for scientific work. We also expect some experience in the conduction and analysis of ecological experiments including general statistics. We require very good mastering of English reading and writing.
Applications should be handed in until April 18th, 2009 including a letter of motivation, CV and list of publications/presentations. Persons interested in Position A should send their application to Prof. Dr. Helmut Hillebrand, Carl-von-Ossietzky University Oldenburg, ICBM-Terramare, Schleusenstrasse 1, 26382 Wilhelmshaven (contact for more information). Persons who are interested in Position B should send their application to Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar- and Marine Research, Personal Department, Postbox 12 01 61, 27515 Bremerhaven using the reference number 27/Bio-H (contact
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dois doutoramento na área de redes tróficas aquáticas
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André Levy - Biólogo
Bolsa de Pós Doutoramento - ISPA
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