Summer school Eslovenia

Concursos para bolsas, empregos ou casas para alugar. Pede-se que se encontre no universo do bolseiro.
Paulo J. N. Silva
Mensagens: 362
Registado: segunda mai 17, 2004 11:57 am
University/ Institute: Ansiao
Localização: Ansiao

Summer school Eslovenia

Mensagem por Paulo J. N. Silva »

Dear Sir or Madam

I want to inform you that we 've extended the deadline for financial aid and course application.
- financial aid deadline for term A and B is extended on April 30
- course application deadline for term A and B is extended on May 15

We want to express our honest thanks for helping us to get students for Euro-Mediterranean Summer School. We have still free places in all courses and we will be very grateful if you could distribute Summer School activities among more and more students.

We offer 100 bursaries (scholarships) for tuition fee and 50 for accommodation.

Application forms for courses as well as application forms for financial aid are available online on
Students can return completed application forms on

Advantages of EMUNI Summer School:
- to meet renowned teachers
- to obtain ECTS credits
- to make new friends
- gain international and intercultural experience
- possibilities of scholarships (financial aid)

Located in Portorož students will also have great opportunity to explore Slovene Littoral (with its see, climate, unique nature, evergreen plants, oliv plantations, vineyards, natural and historical beauties Slovenian Littoral shows rich Mediterranean character), Slovenian heritage(customs, people, nature and history, we will also organize 2 trips, evening discussions …)

We are looking forward to join students from different countries, religions, cultures in upcoming Summer School 2008.
If you need further information about Summer School don’t hesitate to contact Anica on or call 0038656713604

Kind regards,

Anica Novak
Education Department
Coordinator of Summer school

Univerzitetni center za evro-sredozemske študije
Centro Universitario di Studi Euro-mediterranei
University Center for Euro-Mediterranean Studies
Centre Universitarie pour les Etudes Euro-Méditerranéen

Sončna pot 20
6320 Portorož
EU - Slovenija

Tel: +386 5 671 36 00, Faks: +386 5 671 36 05;
DŠ: SI-86460021; MŠ: 2346214; TRR: 011006000023206
