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Declaração comprovativa do estatuto de bolseiro FCT

Enviado: sábado fev 09, 2013 11:43 am
por georuben
Dear all,
In order to get the ¨Seguro Social Voluntário¨ I need a ¨Declaração comprovativa do estatuto de bolseiro de investigação, emitida pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia¨.
Where can I get that document from? Is it the copy of the contract they submit to be signed by the fellows? As usual, FCT is not answering any of my questions and it would be very helpful to have at least a clue.

As to the ¨Certificação médica de aptidão para o trabalho¨, can I just go to any Centro de Saúde and get the document?? Even if I am not from Portugal?

Thank in advance,


Re: Declaração comprovativa do estatuto de bolseiro FCT

Enviado: quarta fev 13, 2013 11:33 am
por tamaral
Regarding the declaration from the FCT, a photocopy of your contract may be enough. In my case the Segurança Social said that, because the contract mentions the FCT as well as the start and end dates of the project, it would probably be enough. They told me to wait for their response letter (which may take about a month to arrive) and to worry about obtaining the declaration ONLY if the response letter explicitly requests it.

As to the medical declaration, I don't know what would be the best way to get it in your case. Maybe your institution will arrange a mandatory medical appointment for you (consulta de Medicina no Trabalho) during your first year of work. If you know when that appointment will be and can wait, you could get the declaration at that time. Alternatively, I guess you could (and probably should, anyway) register with the Centro de Saúde of your area of residence, then make an appointment to get the declaration.

Re: Declaração comprovativa do estatuto de bolseiro FCT

Enviado: quarta fev 13, 2013 2:25 pm
por georuben
Thanks for the info. I will start with my move to Portugal next week!!