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Is a provedor do estudante allowed to ignore complaints?

Enviado: quinta dez 27, 2012 3:04 pm
por N_C_P_de_Gloucester
On another topic during 2011, S. S. Neves sent:
SSNeves Escreveu:"Caro "mgcmartins",

Para além de um local de trabalho na sua instituição, o colega precisa de um (novo) orientador, pois de outra maneira não poderá continuar com uma bolsa da doutoramento da FCT. A FCT permite mudanças de orientador em caso de conflito, mas a FCT não tem obrigação de arranjar um novo orientador para o seu trabalho. Esta obrigação reside na instituição (universidade) onde é estudante de doutoramento. E claro, sendo o colega o primeiro interessado, deve facilitar a resolução da situação, nomeadamente ajudando a que se encontre um orientador para o seu trabalho.

Em casos de conflitos, deve procurar-se um entendimento ou acordo entre as várias pessoas/partes envolvidas, e a universidade tem responsabilidade em ajudar a resolver situações de conflito ou outros problemas que surjam na realização do doutoramento.

A situação que descreve é bastante complexa, e penso que é urgente que peça ajuda a um "mediador" de conflitos.
Não sei em que universidade está inscrito como estudante de doutoramento, mas é obrigatório (por lei) que todas as universidades tenham um "provedor do estudante" (Artigo 25 do RJIES - Regime Jurídico das Instituições de Ensino Superior - Lei nº 62-2007).

Exemplos de provedores do estudante em algumas universidades:
Universidade Nova de Lisboa: http://www.unl.pt/estudante/provedor-do-estudante
Universidade de Lisboa: http://www.ul.pt/portal/page?_pageid=17 ... ema=PORTAL
Universidade de Coimbra: http://www.uc.pt/provedor
Universidade de Aveiro: http://www.ua.pt/provedordoestudante/
Universidade do Porto: http://sigarra.up.pt/up/web_base.gera_p ... gina=18360
Universidade do Minho: http://www.uminho.pt/estudar/provedor-do-estudante
Universidade do Algarve: http://www.ualg.pt/index.php?option=com ... 79&lang=pt
Universidade da Madeira: http://provedor.uma.pt/

Por favor, contacte o provedor do estudante na universidade onde está inscrito, e tente marcar com ele/ela uma reunião o mais brevemente possível. Nesta reunião poderá expor o seu caso, e o provedor deverá tentar ajudá-lo a resolver o problema que existe na orientação/realização do seu trabalho de doutoramento.

Com os melhores cumprimentos,

Susana Neves
Grupo de Apoio ao Bolseiro da ABIC

mgcmartins Escreveu:car@s colegas,

tenho passado por uma situação um bocado estranha. minha relação com o meu orientador é a pior possível. isto porque, desde sempre, ele quer que eu esteja a trabalhar duplamente: tanto na minha tese, como em outras coisas do grupo de investigação que ele coordena (um dos grupos da minha instituição de acolhimento) e nego-me, por vezes. o que ele quer que eu faça relaciona-se a uma panóplia de coisas (tudo política, delimitação de território!), que vão desde estar a realizar workshops no seu quadro teórico (que eu ainda não domino!), até coisas como organizar congressos, participar doutros projectos de investigação. é óbvio que isso não me tem sido fácil e, por vezes, como já disse, tenho de lhe dizer não. digo não, porque são pequenas coisas que se vão acumulando e acabam por virar obrigações, além disso atrapalham-me imenso nos meus estudos.

insatisfeito, o meu orientador deu-me um ultimato: ou eu fazia o que ele queria, ou eu deixaria de fazer parte do seu grupo de investigação. depois de ponderar, achei melhor desistir do grupo, já que meu compromisso é com a minha tese (e com a fct!).

o absurdo põe-se porque o meu orientador estendeu essa decisão à minha relação com a instituição de acolhimento, de modo que, a partir de então, a minha relação com a instituição seria apenas pró-forma, e eu deixaria de ter um espaço para trabalhar (uma secretária, um computador, etc.). enfim, eu NÃO frequentaria mais a instituição de acolhimento (fui excluído: sociopata? leproso? o que sou?).

mandei um email à instituição, a pedir que me seja atribuído novo espaço de trabalho. entretanto, a direcção da instituição permanece em silêncio, como se nada fosse com ela. e o meu orientador é explícito em dizer que eu só posso ter aquela instituição de acolhimento se eu trabalhar para ela (repito: trabalhos que nada têm a ver com o meu doutoramento!).

penso que já há bastantes informações sobre a minha situação (posso referir mais, se caso for), o suficiente para perguntar aos colegas mais experientes o que pensam sobre isso. estou a seer razoável em dizer não ao meu orientador? ou será que devo estar a fazer o que ele quer, mesmo que isso coloque em risco o meu trabalho? devo trabalhar para a instituição de acolhimento noutras funções que não a minha principal? essa é uma condição sine qua non para que eu tenha uma instituição de acolhimento?

toda essa situação muito me assusta.
a quem me puder dar uma luz agradeço muito,

WWW.DGES.MCTES.Pt/NR/rdonlyres/0298F943-AFB5-4F1D-95AA-F85FE676A4D0/1771/Lei62_2007.pdf had:
"[. . .]

Lei n.º 62/2007
de 10 de Setembro
Regime jurídico das instituições de ensino superior

[. . .]

Artigo 25.º
Provedor do estudante
Em cada instituição de ensino superior existe, nos ter-
mos fixados pelos seus estatutos, um provedor do estu-
dante, cuja acção se desenvolve em articulação com as
associações de estudantes e com os órgãos e serviços da
instituição, designadamente com os conselhos pedagógi-
cos, bem como com as suas unidades orgânicas.

[. . .]"

Dear all:

Is it legal for a provedor do estudante to ignore complaints? On December 19th, 2011 (more than a year ago) I complained to the local provedor do estudante (Rogério Augusto da Costa Pereira Leal) and he ignored these complaints. Can I force action?

With kind regards,
N. C. P. de G.

Re: Is a provedor do estudante allowed to ignore complaints?

Enviado: quarta jan 02, 2013 2:19 pm
por spca
N_C_P_de_Gloucester Escreveu:(...)
Dear all:

Is it legal for a provedor do estudante to ignore complaints? On December 19th, 2011 (more than a year ago) I complained to the local provedor do estudante (Rogério Augusto da Costa Pereira Leal) and he ignored these complaints. Can I force action?

With kind regards,
N. C. P. de G.
I don't know if it's illegal, but it certainly seems that he is not fulfilling his duties.
I'd say that you could try to either insist, or to go to another sort of organism. According to these laws, the Student Provider works with the Students Association and the "Pedagogic council" and "organic units". Perhaps the one with less influence of the professors (and thus less pressured by them), but also the less related to PhD students, is the Students Association. You can try to seek their help, eventually becoming associated with it if you aren't already. Otherwise you can search the other ones, but as they are probably all professors, may be less willing to cooperate and maybe raise conflicts with their peers...

Good luck.

Re: Is a provedor do estudante allowed to ignore complaints?

Enviado: quarta jan 02, 2013 2:29 pm
por N_C_P_de_Gloucester
spca Escreveu:"[. . .]
[. . .] it certainly seems that he is not fulfilling his duties.
[. . .]"

I agree that Rogério Augusto da Costa Pereira Leal is not fulfilling his duties. Thanks for the response.

Re: Is a provedor do estudante allowed to ignore complaints?

Enviado: quarta set 24, 2014 7:58 pm
por N_C_P_de_Gloucester
Colin Paul Gloster emailed with Subject: "Bullying (harassment) in the Department of Physics" for the Ombudsman Prof. Rogério Augusto da Costa Pereira Leal on 19th December 2011 and is still waiting:
Colin Paul Gloster Escreveu:"Dear Ombudsman Prof. Rogério Augusto da Costa Pereira Leal:

I am a Ph.D. student of the Department of Physics. When I applied to the
University of Coimbra, the person who was going to be the main Ph.D.
supervisor in practice (namely Rui Miguel Curado da Silva) had a
temporary contract for himself, and it was uncertain that he would still
have a contract based at the University of Coimbra by the time I shall
defend the dissertation. So, another member of the jury (namely Dr.
Maria Filomena de Osório Pinto dos Santos) was appointed to formally
supervise me, and Rui Miguel Curado da Silva actually supervised me in

36 months of funding were mentioned on the advertisement on
Eracareers.Pt, but I was informed for the first time many months after I
moved to Portugal that the project which was funding me was actually
scheduled to end months before the end of the 36 months, so I am lacking
months of payments. The last funded month of the project was December 2010.

(Dr. Rui Miguel Curado da Silva managed to arrange extra money for me,
but I shall run out of money in a few months if I shall not get money

The advertisement on Eracareers.Pt was for a research bursary but not a
scholarship. As Rui Miguel Curado da Silva and I wanted that I would do
a Ph.D., I applied to FCT for a scholarship but I was rejected, so I
paid enrollment fees out of my own money. (We were confident that I
would get a scholarship, and Social Security provides me with a lawyer
to sue FCT for the scholarship, but the lawyer warned me that the
process of the court case could take years so she advised me to find
other money to maintain my life in the meantime.)

Dr. Maria Filomena de Osório Pinto dos Santos is very aware that I have
been victimized into a dire financial predicament.

Some months ago I informed Dr. Rui Miguel Curado da Silva that I needed
to concentrate on finding money in order to buy food so the study in
physics is unfortunately not getting much time. He agreed that finding a
job is more urgent.

On November 16th, 2011 Paulo Alexandre Cunha Gomes slandered me and
sabotaged a job application which I was trying to make that day by
permanently disabling an Internet connection (I am accessing the
Internet in a library as I type this email to you). After that, Dr.
Maria Filomena de Osório Pinto dos Santos decided to assist obstructive
action by Paulo Alexandre Cunha Gomes by making me surrender a key to a
lab with a less unreliable telephone than the telephone in a lab which I
do have a key for.

In preparation for a telephone interview scheduled for tomorrow morning,
I have been studying audio tapes on Saturday; Sunday; and today. Nobody
said anything to me about the tapes on Saturday and Sunday. I played
hours of tapes today. The volume levels recorded onto the tapes differ,
and sometimes Dr. Maria Filomena de Osório Pinto dos Santos indicated
that some of the tapes were being played too loudly, so on those
occasions I reduced the volume of the tape player once per occasion
without a further reaction from Maria Filomena de Osório Pinto dos
Santos per tape, until the last tape which I tried to play today.

The last tape which I tried to play today is a 90-minute tape. I played
45 minutes of this 90-minute tape without anyone saying anything about
it to me. After playing the first 45 minutes, I was not playing the tape
for many minutes (in order to do something else). Later, I was ready to
resume the tape. I did not increase the volume dial of the tape player.
However, Maria Filomena de Osório Pinto dos Santos moaned that the tape
was being played too loudly. So I reduced the volume and resumed playing
the tape. Maria Filomena de Osório Pinto dos Santos moaned again that
the tape was being played too loudly. So I reduced the volume again and
resumed playing the tape. Maria Filomena de Osório Pinto dos Santos
moaned yet again that the tape was being played too loudly so (after I
stopped the tape) I explained to her that she did not request the volume
to be lowered for the first 45 minutes of that tape. In response to that
she said:
"Go to hell."
She abusively said this at 3:26p.m. today. Therefore I complain to you.

Yours sincerely,
Colin Paul Gloster

P.S. Rui Miguel Curado da Silva did manage to get a better contract for
himself and I do not believe that Maria Filomena de Osório Pinto dos
Santos formally supervises the Ph.D.

P.P.S. I would have gone home earlier (in order to get to sleep early
for tomorrow's interview) but informing you of misbehavior by Maria
Filomena de Osório Pinto dos Santos delays me."

Re: Is a provedor do estudante allowed to ignore complaints?

Enviado: quinta set 25, 2014 6:19 pm
por N_C_P_de_Gloucester
On 27th March 2012 I emailed for the student ombudsman and for Virgínia Fonseca and for the functionary of the Department of Academic Disservices of the supposed University of Coimbra named Cátia Gonçalves Rodrigues da Silva and for a generic email account of the Department of Academic Disservices of the supposed University of Coimbra with Subject: "Re: FW: Bullying (harassment) in the Department of Physics":
Colin Paul Gloster Escreveu:"On 23rd December 2011, [someone who used to work with Rogério Augusto da Costa Pereira Leal . . .] emailed to Colin Paul Gloster:
Functionary of the student ombudsman Escreveu:"Caro Colin Paul Gloster

[redacted because quoting without permission is illegal . . .]

Universidade de Coimbra – Provedoria do Estudante
Rua Gomes Freire, n.º 22, RC
Tel. +351 239 480 962
Fax +351 239 480 926
[. . .]

-----Mensagem original-----
De: Colin Paul Gloster [. . .]
Enviada: segunda-feira, 19 de Dezembro de 2011 16:58
Para: [To the Ombudsman of Students of Coimbra supposed University . . .]
Assunto: Bullying (harassment) in the Department of Physics

Dear Ombudsman Prof. Rogério Augusto da Costa Pereira Leal:

I am a Ph.D. student of the Department of Physics. When I applied to the
University of Coimbra, [. . .]
[. . .]

36 months of funding were mentioned on the advertisement on Eracareers.Pt,
but I was informed for the first time many months after I moved to Portugal
that the project which was funding me was actually scheduled to end months
before the end of the 36 months, so I am lacking months of payments. The
last funded month of the project was December 2010.

(Dr. Rui Miguel Curado da Silva managed to arrange extra money for me, but I
shall run out of money in a few months if I shall not get money

The advertisement on Eracareers.Pt was for a research bursary but not a
scholarship. As Rui Miguel Curado da Silva and I wanted that I would do a
Ph.D., I applied to FCT for a scholarship but I was rejected, so I paid
enrollment fees out of my own money. (We were confident that I would get a
scholarship, and Social Security provides me with a lawyer to sue FCT for
the scholarship, but the lawyer warned me that the process of the court case
could take years so she advised me to find other money to maintain my life
in the meantime.)

[. . .]

Yours sincerely,
Colin Paul Gloster

[. . .]"
On 26th March 2012, Colin Paul Gloster sent an unanswered email to Cátia Silva:
Colin Paul Gloster Escreveu:"Dear all:

Please find attached a webpage mentioning a "Propina" of 1375.00 Euro plus "Juros" (interest) of 13.75 Euro and a total of 1388.75.

Why are there "Juros" (interest) of 13.75 Euro? Why does the website claim that this is "em Atraso" ("Late")? This is the first time the university has billed me during 2011/2012.

When is the deadline of the payment?

Yours sincerely,
Colin Paul Gloster"

Dear Ms. Virgínia Fonseca and Ombudsman Prof. Rogério Augusto da Costa Pereira Leal and Ms. Cátia Silva:

The university still has not paid me the money which it owes me, but yesterday the university claimed for the first time that I did not pay the fee or fees for the academic year 2011/2012. Yesterday the university also claimed for the first time ever that I must pay 1388.75 Euro by the end of this week (as shown in the attachment
). The university owes me much more money than 1388.75 Euro.

Why is the email of yesterday unanswered?

I shall be forced to sue the university if you insist on charging me extra for being late because I am not late. I shall be forced to sue the university if it demands money from me without giving me the money which it owes me. Do not be hypocritical.

I have a bank account with 1131.78 Euro. How do you expect me to pay 1388.75 Euro?

Yours sincerely,
Colin Paul Gloster"

Re: Is a provedor do estudante allowed to ignore complaints?

Enviado: quinta set 25, 2014 6:28 pm
por N_C_P_de_Gloucester
Colin Paul Gloster emailed on 28th March 2012 for Professor Rogério Augusto da Costa Pereira Leal with Subject: "Re: FW: Bullying (harassment) in the Department of Physics":
Colin Paul Gloster Escreveu:"On 28th March 201, Rogério A.C. Pereira Leal emailed:
Rogério A.C. Pereira Leal Escreveu:"[Text in Portuguese redacted because it is illegal to quote without permission . . .]"
Dear Ombudsman Prof. Rogério Augusto da Costa Pereira Leal:

Thank you for wishing to discuss this issue with me.

I do not speak Portuguese.

Note that the university demanded for the first time this week that I pay for 2011/2012 before Sunday. Therefore, you have requested to meet me after that deadline.

I suggest but I can not guarantee these times because other people (for example, Dr. Rui Miguel Curado da Silva) might need to speak with me:
Tuesday 3rd April 2012 at 09:00a.m.
Wednesday 4th April 2012 at 09:00a.m.
Thursday 5th April 2012 at 09:00a.m.

Yours sincerely,
Colin Paul Gloster"

Re: Is a provedor do estudante allowed to ignore complaints?

Enviado: quinta set 25, 2014 6:41 pm
por N_C_P_de_Gloucester
Colin Paul Gloster emailed for Rui Miguel Curado da Silva and the student ombudsman and Virgina Fonseca and José António da Cruz on 30th March 2012 with Subject: "Fwd: RE: Fwd: Propina 2011_2012":
Colin Paul Gloster Escreveu:"Dear all:

There is less bad news below.

Paul Colin Gloster

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Fwd: Propina 2011_2012
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 10:06:47 +0100
From: [redacted . . .]
To: 'Colin Paul Gloster' [redacted . . .]

Dear Student:

There was a problem with the payment references. It has been solved. You have until April 30 to pay the first three parts of the fees. Please ignore "the payments in delay".

Our sincere apologies

Saudações Académicas
[redacted . . .]
Núcleo de Doutoramentos e Pós-Graduações em Associação
Gestão Curricular | Registration and Student Records
Divisão de Graduação e Formação | Graduate and Undergraduate Studies
CSC • Serviço de Gestão Académica | Academic Management Service
Universidade de Coimbra • Administração | University of Coimbra • Administration
Rua da Ilha, Pólo I da UC, 3004-531 Coimbra • PORTUGAL
Tel.: +351 239 85 99 00 | E-mail: http://www.uc.pt/academicos | E-mail: [redacted . . .]
Tel.: +351 239 85 99 00 | E-mail: http://www.uc.pt/aenee | E-mail: [redacted . . .]

-----Mensagem original-----
De: Colin Paul Gloster [redacted . . .]
Enviada: segunda-feira, 26 de Março de 2012 17:54
Para: [redacted . . .]
Assunto: Re: Fwd: Propina 2011_2012

Dear all:

Please find attached a webpage mentioning a "Propina" of 1375.00 Euro plus "Juros" (interest) of 13.75 Euro and a total of 1388.75.

Why are there "Juros" (interest) of 13.75 Euro? Why does the website claim that this is "em Atraso" ("Late")? This is the first time the university has billed me during 2011/2012.

When is the deadline of the payment?

Yours sincerely,
Colin Paul Gloster

Colin Paul Gloster emailed on 26th March 2012 to J. A. Cruz and Rui Silva:
Colin Paul Gloster Escreveu:"Gentlemen:
If there is something to be done with the forwarded email, then please do it.
Paul Colin Gloster

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Propina 2011_2012
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2012 10:28:37 +0100 (WEST)
From: Universidade de Coimbra <no-reply@uc.pt>
To: Colin Paul Gloster [redacted . . .]

Cara/o estudante

| Deve consultar a informação disponível no Inforestudante -Propinas e Emolumentos- Pagamentos em Atraso, sobre a sua situação face ao pagamento de propinas no presente ano letivo, informação que regista atualização mensal.

O atraso no pagamento implica o vencimento de juros.

Caso se encontre abrangida/o por algum regime que lhe conceda um prazo diferente de pagamento de propinas ou se, entretanto, regularizou a sua situação deverá ignorar esta informação.

Pode esclarecer as suas dúvidas através do email [ redacted . . . ] com a indicação do assunto "Dívida de propinas 2011/2012" para que o seu pedido seja corretamente encaminhado.

O Serviço de Gestão Académica"

Re: Is a provedor do estudante allowed to ignore complaints?

Enviado: quinta set 25, 2014 6:54 pm
por N_C_P_de_Gloucester
Another email from me re Professrix Maria Filomena de Osório Pinto dos Santos Figueiredo for the Student Ombudsman of the so-called University of Coimbra was sent on 4th February 2013 with Subject: "Complaints for the Student Ombudsman of the University of Coimbra":
Colin Paul Gloster Escreveu:"Dear Prof. Rogério Augusto da Costa Pereira Leal:

Thank you for meeting me.

Thank you for letting me use English to communicate with

I unfortunately must complain about problems of the
University of Coimbra:
abusive people;
lack of utilization of fees;
keys rendered useless;

Código: Selecionar todos

*Abusive People *
I had explained to you during December 2011 that Dr. Maria
Filomena de Osório Pinto dos Santos and Mr. Paulo Alexandre
Cunha Gomes were abusive to me. This has not been solved.

A distressing environment for work and research resulted
from and results from misbehavior by them.

Código: Selecionar todos

*Lack of Utilization of Fees*
A proportion of the fees (propinas) paid for the many years
I studied here are supposed to be available to me to
purchase items. However, still even a single cent was not
yet released to me for purchases.

During 2012 I requested equipment and a book but I was not
given them. I also want more equipment; more books; and more
than 100 scientific articles.

Código: Selecionar todos

*Keys Rendered Useless*
Students (not only Ph.D. students) of the Department of
Physics are given keys to enter and exit the Department of
Physics. As of last week, I have not been able to unlock any
doors of the Department of Physics, unlike other students.
This is not fair.

Código: Selecionar todos

The mission of every university is based on the truth.
Unfortunately, Prof. Joaquim Marques Ferreira dos Santos
said something which is untrue. During December 2012 I
requested him to prove that it was true or to retract it. He
did not respond, despite now being more than a month later.

Colin Paul Gloster emailed on 29th December 2012:
Colin Paul Gloster Escreveu:"Dear Prof. Joaquim Marques Ferreira dos Santos:

According to the policeman Álvaro Manuel Gonçalves Centeio
of the PSP, you - a physicist - claimed that "attack" is a
term of jargon of informatics about continuous access. You
misinformed the policeman Álvaro Manuel Gonçalves Centeio.

I have a degree of informatics therefore I bought a copy of
the book "Operating System Concepts" by Abraham Silberschatz
and Peter Baer Galvin. Page 631 of this book disproves a
falsehood which you said to the PSP. Why did you say
something untrue to the PSP? Please show an example from
before November 2011 from a book of informatics which you
own which supports your claimed interpretation of "attack"
or retract.

Yours sincerely,
Colin Paul Gloster"
Yours sincerely,
Colin Paul Gloster"

Re: Is a provedor do estudante allowed to ignore complaints?

Enviado: quinta set 25, 2014 7:00 pm
por N_C_P_de_Gloucester
Colin Paul Gloster emailed for the Department of Academic Disservices of the so-called University of Coimbra carbon copying the student ombudsman on 26th May 2013 with Subject: "Re: UC - Propinas: Aproximação de data limite de pagamento":
Colin Paul Gloster Escreveu:"Universidade de Coimbra <no-reply@UC.Pt> emailed:

"Cara/o estudante, Informamos que as prestações de propinas listadas
abaixo vencem dentro de 5 dias (31-05-2013):
* [DF] 4ª Prestação - 687.5 €
O atraso no pagamento implica o vencimento de juros de mora à taxa legal
em vigor.Saudações Académicas,Serviço de Gestão Académica"

Dear Sir/Madam:

I was hospitalized because of maltreatment in the University of Coimbra.
I need medical documentation for the Fundação para a Ciência e a
Tecnologia to pay a bolsa.

You are depriving me of resources which I need to study. It is not fair
for you to charge me for this disservice.

Yours faithfully,
Colin Paul Gloster"

Re: Is a provedor do estudante allowed to ignore complaints?

Enviado: sexta set 26, 2014 4:22 pm
por schutz
Why are you posting private correspondance between you and faculty members (or any other person, really)? You can get into serious legal trouble because of that and it might hurt your case.

Deal with the problem in the proper venues (courtroom, with your lawyer, etc) but not in public forums.

Best of luck with your situation.

Re: Is a provedor do estudante allowed to ignore complaints?

Enviado: terça set 30, 2014 2:01 pm
por phdwannabe
schutz Escreveu:Deal with the problem in the proper venues (courtroom, with your lawyer, etc) but not in public forums.

Re: Is a provedor do estudante allowed to ignore complaints?

Enviado: sábado out 04, 2014 5:35 pm
por forum.abic
* Information for the readers of the above messages *

In case some readers of this Forum are not aware, we regret to inform that, on 4 August 2014, Colin Paul Gloster ("N_C_P_de_Gloucester") attacked with a hatchet (i.e. "um machado") a professor at the University of Coimbra.

The following news articles provide some information on this attack:

http://www.publico.pt/sociedade/noticia ... ra-1665389

http://www.publico.pt/sociedade/noticia ... de-1665502

http://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-ne ... ty-3995691

http://www.evoke.ie/irish-physicist-acc ... -portugal/

This case was also news on Nature's web site:
http://blogs.nature.com/news/2014/08/ph ... ttack.html

Colin Gloster has also posted on the site "Retraction Watch" about his attack in Coimbra:
http://retractionwatch.com/2014/08/25/i ... /#comments

Independently of what may have happened at the university, the violent actions of Colin Gloster against a professor in Coimbra or any other person have to be severely reproved.

Unfortunately, Colin Gloster does not seem to understand that his attack to this professor was a very serious and dangerous action. In his posts online on various sites, he has not shown thus far any signs of repentance or remorse for his violent act.

We understand that, for several years, Colin Gloster has received appropriate legal support from lawyers paid by the Portuguese Social Security, in view of his precarious financial situation. He has also benefited from the help of ABIC in the past.

As Mr. Gloster has revealed in his posts in other sites, he has also been followed by psychiatrists and psychologists. We hope that the doctors are able to help him and prevent any further acts of violence.

Re: Is a provedor do estudante allowed to ignore complaints?

Enviado: terça out 07, 2014 7:57 pm
por N_C_P_de_Gloucester
forum.abic Escreveu:*" Information for the readers of the above messages *

In case some readers of this Forum are not aware, we regret to inform that, on 4 August 2014, Colin Paul Gloster ("N_C_P_de_Gloucester") attacked with a hatchet (i.e. "um machado") a professor at the University of Coimbra.

The following news articles provide some information on this attack:

http://www.publico.pt/sociedade/noticia ... ra-1665389

http://www.publico.pt/sociedade/noticia ... de-1665502

http://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-ne ... ty-3995691

http://www.evoke.ie/irish-physicist-acc ... -portugal/

This case was also news on Nature's web site:
http://blogs.nature.com/news/2014/08/ph ... ttack.html
I do not like to see libellous articles against me.

On 25th August 2014 Colin Paul Gloster emailed for one of the co-creators of Retraction Watch:
Colin Paul Gloster Escreveu:"[Redacted. . .]

Dear Professor Ivan Oranksy:

You emailed a web address which redirected to
HTTP://WWW.IrishMirror.Ie/news/irish-ne ... ty-3995691
(Adelina Campos, "Irishman arrested in Portugal after university
professor attacked with axe", "The Irish Daily Mirror", 2014). This
webpage contains many false facts but it does show a picture of me
being taken out of a policevan moments before I was taken to a
tribunal (my first time not as the plaintiff) on 5th August 2014 and
the main point that I axed someone is true, as I reported with an
email of 8th August 2014 which I carbon copied for you (with the very
unsubtle Subject field "Axing at the so-called University of
Colin Paul Gloster Escreveu:"[. . .]

[. . .]
[. . .] I axed
Prof. Maria Filomena de Osório Pinto dos Santos Figueiredo [. . .]
[. . .]

[. . .]"

I am not a monster and I am not unreasonable. Please understand that I
do not have much time to access the Internet (as you may had noticed
from the very long delays between requests from you and responses from
me) and I need to find ways to get food to eat. I had already provided
you with access to much documentation about this and I had invited you
to investigate further. (It is not clear why you asked about a
libelous article by "The Irish Daily Mirror" instead of a libelous
article on a blog of "Nature".)

Gloster emailed on 8th August 2014:
"One of the best lawyers who represents me in Portugal would prefer
while we wait for a ruling of my court case as a defendant for me to
not contact journalists therefore please rely on your own means [. . .]
[. . .]"
I was informed last week that I have not become a defendant yet, and
though I have not contacted the aforementioned lawyer who had advised
against contacting the press (which I want to do because I want libel
against me stopped) about contacting the press, another lawyer who
works with her has said to me last week that it would be okay to
contact the foreign press now (and the Portuguese press
later). Therefore I would be happy to answer questions for you, but
this does not change the fact that I am not easy for you to contact
quickly. You could contact some of the lawyers who represent me. I
authorize you to obtain information from lawyers who represent me.

Perhaps it would be logical for me to carbon copy this email for
lawyers for them to understand that I consent to giving you access to
information, but it is a crime in Portugal to quote emails without
permission (do not ask is it really correct usage of jargon to denote
it as a crime instead of blah blah blah? - QUOTING EMAILS WITHOUT
PERMISSION IS A CRIME IN PORTUGAL) and you did not give me permission
to quote. I give you permission to quote anything from me to lawyers
(and on Retraction Watch and in and to anything else).

Some (I do not have time to refute everything with this email)
contradictions of
HTTP://WWW.IrishMirror.Ie/news/irish-ne ... ty-3995691
(Adelina Campos, "Irishman arrested in Portugal after university
professor attacked with axe", "The Irish Daily Mirror", 2014) (if you
need evidence which I did not already give you, then request lawyers
to provide it) . . .

Adelina Campos sent:
"[. . .]

Former Phd student, [. . .]

[. . .]"

I am still a Ph.D. student - the so-called University of Coimbra
refused to let me defend a dissertation during 2013 despite my
outperforming by then of for example Dr. Rui Miguel Curado da
Silva. You can verify that I outperformed him with for example Web of

Adelina Campos sent:
"[. . .] one of five targets [. . .]"
I did not target five targets.

Adelina Campos sent:
"[. . .] crazed [. . .]"
I was not crazed. I am not crazed.

Adelina Campos sent:
"[. . .] the University of Coimbra, the oldest university of the
country [. . .]"
It is not a university.

Adelina Campos sent:
"[. . .]

[. . .] enrolling for a Phd at Coimbra’s Department of Physics, at the
Faculty of Science and Technology, in 2008."
I did not enroll during 2008.

Adelina Campos sent:
"[. . .] he applied for a first grant that year[2008] but he failed to
obtain it."
I applied for a Ph.D. scholarship during 2008 and I was illegally
rejected. The only professed supposed reason at the time was a false
fact. I lost a court case in the first instance over this, but as it
was trivial to prove that these judges (namely Tiago Afonso Lopes de
Miranda and Beatriz Cruz and Joaquim Cruzeiro) did not use a true
reason, I mad[misspelling of made] an appeal. A lawyer who represents me on this claimed
that I won this appeal. Whatever the result of this appeal, a court
has been ordered by the appeal court to try this defendant (the
Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) again. I am not
entirely sure that this is what one calls winning an appeal as I am
still waiting for a court ruling over whether or not I shall be paid
this scholarship, but I am not an expert of legal jargon.
[redacted. . .]

The lawyer Elsa Vieira de Andrade Rodrigues
[redacted. . .] represents me over this
scholarship which I did not yet receive one cent of:
Elsa Vieira de Andrade Rodrigues,
R da Sofia, 139 - 2º Esq,
3000-389 Coimbra,
Telephone: +351 239825160.
Fax: +351 239825161.

Adelina Campos sent:
"He said that he paid over €3,000 in fees [. . .]"
I paid con artists of the so-called University of Coimbra much more
than just €3000. You may request Elsa Vieira de Andrade Rodrigues to
provide you with scans of receipts.

Adelina Campos sent:
"[. . .] a lawyer helped him get another, second scholarship
[. . .]"
It is not a second scholarship - a scholarship from before I applied
to Portugal was cut off after I whistleblew in Pisa. Professor Luca
Fanucci did not like that I refused to obey his one-word order "Lie"
after I unintentionally empirically disproved an already published
theory by him:
[redacted . . .]
[redacted . . .] (also an exposé of a fraudulent article coauthored by the lab LIP in
Portugal which lokced me out and had five employees of the University
of Coimbra beat me up during 2013). Techincal details re
whistleblowing in Pisa:

The lawyer who did get me some payments from a scholarship is called
Rita Almeida d´Eça (I already showed you a document from her which led
to these payments).

Adelina Campos sent:
"[. . .]

[. . .] diagnosed him with paranoid schizophrenia.

[. . .]"
I did not have schizophrenia - see for example emails by me about this
on the email list SciFraud (identifying doctors who stated that I was
healthy) and documentation shown in an annex of
[redacted. . .]
which I emailed on 8th August 2014 when I disclosed [redacted. . .]
[redacted. . .]
[redacted. . .] medical documentation showing that I
was healthy. You have permission to obtain information about me from
these doctors; psychologists; and psychiatrists and also from the
quacks who I identified.

You also have permission to obtain information from the lawyer [. . .redacted]
[redacted. . .] who represents me on
issues related to the false fact of mental illness which was utilized
to protect five employees of the so-called University of Coimbra from
prosecution for beating me up (it is legal in Portugal to attack
mentally ill people):
[. . .redacted]

You (and people who can communicate through a language which she
understands) also have permission to contact the lawyer Ana Carolina
Simões Rodrigues Silva, who was nominated to represent me when the
so-called University of Coimbra got its court order to beat me up last
year, and who the so-called University of Coimbra tricked me into
dismissing (without my knowledge) almost immediately.

Adelina Campos sent:
"[. . .]

The Dublin man [. . .]

[. . .]"

I am not a Dublin man.

Adelina Campos sent:
"[. . .]

Colin is believed to have grown up in Drumcondra"
For a very imaginative (mis)use of the term "grown up".

Adelina Campos sent:
"and studied Computer Science at Dublin City University.

[. . .]"
Another factory of frauds which is a so-called university.

If you want to interview me, perhaps you could suggest times and I
could try to identify payphones which can receive calls or a telephone
of a lawyer or a landline of a friend for you to ring.

Yours sincerely,
Colin Paul
forum.abic Escreveu:"Colin Gloster has also posted on the site "Retraction Watch" about his attack in Coimbra:
http://retractionwatch.com/2014/08/25/i ... /#comments
A lot of what was submitted to Retraction Watch was not propagated was not passed by the moderators, and a number of things were redacted by Retraction Watch without being indicated as being redacted.
forum.abic Escreveu:"Independently of what may have happened at the university, the violent actions of Colin Gloster against a professor in Coimbra or any other person have to be severely reproved.

Unfortunately, Colin Gloster does not seem to understand that his attack to this professor was a very serious and dangerous action. In his posts online on various sites, he has not shown thus far any signs of repentance or remorse for his violent act.

We understand that, for several years, Colin Gloster has received appropriate legal support from lawyers paid by the Portuguese Social Security, in view of his precarious financial situation. He has also benefited from the help of ABIC in the past.

As Mr. Gloster has revealed in his posts in other sites, he has also been followed by psychiatrists and psychologists. We hope that the doctors are able to help him and prevent any further acts of violence."
Shall Maria Filomena de Osório Pinto dos Santos Figueiredo; Paulo Alexandre Cunha Gomes; Rui Miguel Curado da Silva; Rogério Augusto da Costa Pereira Leal; the supposed University of Coimbra; Cátia Gonçalves Rodrigues da Silva; the Department of Academic Disservices of the supposed University of Coimbra; J. A. Cruz; Joaquim Marques Ferreira dos Santos; and the Foundation for Science and Technology be reproved?

I am a victim of agressão ilícita. Did you ever hear of ameaça lícita and legítima defesa and lawful excuse of defamation law?

Re: Is a provedor do estudante allowed to ignore complaints?

Enviado: terça nov 04, 2014 3:10 pm
por N_C_P_de_Gloucester
On 7th October 2014, I reported on
("Re: Abuso de poder - direitos do bolseiro - URGENTE"):
N_C_P_de_Gloucester Escreveu:"[. . .]

ABIC might or might not help. During January 2013 I was planning on becoming a member of ABIC or an associate of SNESup or something else (not a member) of SNESup during the next month. However, a few days after I commenced preparing becoming more involved with ABIC or SNESup, Dr. Rui Miguel Curado da Silva claimed to me on 29th January 2013 that he requested advice from ABIC on recommending cancellation and he said that ABIC recommended suspension instead. Therefore he made a deal with me (which he did not honour), claiming that there would be a suspension which would be lifted when I would provide documentation showing that I was healthy. I was healthy, but the supposed University of Coimbra solved this inconvenient obstacle by getting many employees of the supposed University of Coimbra to beat me up a few weeks later. The very unbalanced propaganda against me during 2014 does not seem to report that I was attacked by the supposed University of Coimbra.

[. . .]"
I detected no denial by ABIC that according to Dr. Rui Miguel Curado da Silva that ABIC had been aware of a plan against me for whistleblowing which ABIC did not warn me about and that by supposedly following advice by ABIC, Maria Filomena de Osório Pinto dos Santos Figueiredo; the host institution LIP; the so-called University of Coimbra; and Rui Miguel Curado da Silva let aggravated assaults (ofensas corporais qualificadas) be perpetrated against me during 2013 (more than a year before I axed Maria Filomena de Osório Pinto dos Santos Figueiredo), by dishonestly claiming that I would be paid again after coming out of a psychiatric hospital with evidence of mental health.