Positions on several EMBLs arround Europe

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Registado: sábado abr 24, 2004 4:22 pm
University/ Institute: Diamond Light Source
Localização: Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

Positions on several EMBLs arround Europe

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Positions on several EMBLs arround Europe

From: Christa Hubert Christa.Hubert@embl-heidelberg.de
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 1:31 PM

Dear Colleagues,

Enclosed please find our most recent vacancy notices:

05/111 Conference Officer, Heidelberg, Germany

05/112 Advanced Systems Administrator (UNIX), Hamburg, Germany

05/117 Project Leader for Protein Crystallography Beamline-1
@Petra-3, Hamburg, Germany

05/118 Project Leader for a Small Angle X-Ray Scattering
Beamline @Petra-3, Hamburg, Germany

05/119 Project Coordinator for Structural Biology Beamlines
@Petra-3, Hamburg, Germany

05/121 Research Group Leader in Bioinformatics, EBI, Hinxton
near Cambridge, UK

05/122 Unix Systems Administrator (2 Positions), EBI,
Hinxton near Cambridge, UK

05/123 Senior Administrative Officer, Grenoble, France

05/124 Group Leader Positions, Heidelberg, Germany and
Grenoble, France

05/125 Research Technician, Grenoble, France

05/130 Software Engineer, EBI, Hinxton near Cambridge, UK

05/PD/21 Postdoctoral Fellowship: Dynamics of Spatial
Microtubule Organisation, Heidelberg, Germany

I would be grateful if you could arrange for it to be distributed and
displayed on your bulletin boards.

Many thanks

C. Pollig
Head of Personnel


the EMBL International PhD Programme, originally established in 1983, represents the flagship of EMBL's commitment to first class training and education. Internationality, dedicated mentoring and early independence in research characterise our programme. Considered to be one of the most competitive PhD training schemes to enter, we are committed to providing EMBL PhD students with the best starting platform for a successful career in science.

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